Chapter 31: Finding A Solution

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As you let fall the dusty piece of paper which was a bit torn apart, Taehyung questioned why you did so.

You didn't respond.

Yoongi: Y/n....?

Namjoon cupped the paper which was resting on the carpeted floor.

He tilted his head... And couldn't believe what he just saw.

It was a picture of your parents inside the hospital, but the picture was taken from the window and they were both asleep. In the picture frame you could see a knife.

Your throat was really dry, each time swallowed your saliva it was like sand going down in your gullet.

Jimin slightly nudged Namjoon and told him to let him see the letter in question.

Jin called out Namjoon in a low tone.

Yoongi picked up the letter and started to read it out loud.

So I see you don't understand when to stop huh? You bastards are gonna regret this wait and see this time I'm gonna kill the parents of this little pretentious brat.

You can stop this from happening, don't called the police... we will know if you do it so don't try to act smart.


Yoongi: That's what it says...

Taehyung: This is horrible what are we supposed to do??

Taehyung let a loud sob.

Jin: Y/n?

Your thoughts were interrupted and honestly you were happy that they broke your thoughts... They were starting to get really dark.

Y/n: We need to do something... Now. You stated bluntly.

Jimin: But how...
Jimin sounded really desperate

Namjoon: Jimin is right, what can we do... You heard it right from Yoongi, "do not act smart"

At that same moment Jungkook and Hoseok barged in.

They both had dejected and defeated looks on their face.

Jungkook: We couldn't....

Hoseok: We couldn't catch him.

Jungkook:... Yeah he already ran away before we could catch him.

Jimin clenched his fist not because he was mad at Jungkook and Hoseok for not catching him, honestly it wasn't there fault, they tried. He was angry at himself, he was angry that he was helpless...

Jimin: Y/n is right!
He exclaimed loudly, they all looked at him confused

Jimin: We need to find a solution... And not a solution implying us to sit down and do nothing!

Y/n: Exactly we need to fight fire with fire.

They all had the spirit sparkle in their eyes back.

Taehyung stood up and place his hand in the center to form a sort of circle.

One by one they all stood up and joined the circle, Yoongi motioned you to join him

One by one they all stood up and joined the circle, Yoongi motioned you to join him

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All together you all said:

We can do it!!

You were persuaded to find a plan....

A/n: Here you go!! Hope you liked it I'll go sleep now ehe😅 it's night time for me ਉ _ ਉ

Anyways hope you liked it always remember to eat and drink water
( ͡❛ ₃ ͡❛)

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