"Wait, why don't you usually apparate?" Hermione asked.

I shrugged. "I prefer flying. I'll be back to talk to you lot as soon as I can. Don't do anything stupid." I changed forms and flew out the window Harry opened just in time. Once I was outside the school grounds, I changed back and apparated on the doorstep of Grimmauld Place. Shaking, I stepped inside and ran downstairs, shouting, "Dad!" I sprinted upstairs, triggering my grandmother to shout throughout the entire house.

"DAD!" I screamed.

A figure dashed out of the attic and I screamed as he said, "Raven, what's wrong?"

"Dad!" I cried, wrapping my arms around him as I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, my Merlin."

"Raven, what happened?"

"Harry-" I began before my eyes widened. "Merlin, HARRY. He saw you being tortured, Dad. And now he thinks- I have to go."

"Wait, Raven!" he called, grabbing a coat. "Where?"

"Where the prophecy is stored," I replied. "You need to gather other members of the Order. I'll go and protect Harry, Ron, Hermione, and whoever else they dragged along."

"Raven, be careful," he called as I sprinted down the stairs.

"I will!" I called back. I dashed out the door and flew to the Ministry, darting down to where I used to stand watch. I dashed into the circular room that led everywhere else just before Harry, Neville, and Hermione appeared. "Hermione," I breathed, paling as I saw her unconscious form. I rushed forward, taking her off Neville's hands and laying her down. "Where are the others?" I asked, looking up at Harry.

He shrugged as another door opened and Ron, Ginny, and Luna appeared. "Ron!" Harry shouted. "Ginny - are you all-"

"Harry," Ron said, giggling like an idiot. Grabbing the front of Harry's robes, he giggled, "There you are. Haha, you look funny, Harry. You're all messed up."

"Ginny? What happened?" Harry asked worriedly. Looking pale, Ginny shook her head, sliding down to the ground.

"Neville, take a look at Hermione," I ordered, moving over to Ginny.

"I think her ankle's broken," Luna said. "I heard something crack."

With a flick of my wand, Ginny's ankle was bound. "That should help with the pain," I said. "A little bit at least." Looking around for any more injuries, I said, "Guys, we need to get you out of here. Okay, Neville, can you carry Hermione? I don't know how to wake her. Harry, can you help Ron? Luna, help Ginny."

Just as we picked a door, the one behind us opened and Death Eaters appeared. I pushed to the front and quickly a purple field shielded us. "Go!" I shouted. "I don't know how long I can hold them off!" As they moved off, I shifted the field to surround the Death Eaters instead of me. Each Death Eater began to bang on the field.

I smirked, glad I was able to hold them off until a voice behind me shouted, "Crucio!" I screamed, falling to my knees. I was somehow able to leave my hands up, keeping them trapped in their energy field. The pain didn't stop until I was panting, my hands trembling. The field faltered. "Crucio!"

I screamed, beginning to sob as my hands fell. I was roughly picked up and dragged somewhere before I was shoved away. I let out cries of pain as sharp pieces of rock jabbed into my body. Blood oozed from my forehead, covering my vision slightly as I lay on the ground, finally having come to a stop.

"Potter, your race is run," Lucius drawled. "Now hand me the prophecy like a good boy."

"Let - let the others go and I'll give it to you," Harry stuttered.

"Harry, no," I groaned, attempting to sit up.

"Crucio!" Lucius cried, pointing his wand at me. I let out an agonized sob, collapsing back on the ground. Letting out an irritated breath, Lucius turned back to Harry and said, "You're in no position to bargain. You see there are eleven of us and only two of you. And one of you seems to be out of commission."

"Speaking of which, I'd like a word with her," a new voice said. I sat up slightly, looking up to see all too familiar blue hair. Grabbing a handful of my hair, she forced me up. I whimpered, fighting against her as hard as I could. She dragged me away from the others and flung me down onto the stone stairs. I groaned, spitting out blood.

"Mum," I spat weakly.

"Give me the ring," she ordered lowly. I paled.

"No," I said weakly.

"Give me the ring!" she shouted, pointing her wand at me. I screamed.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Dad shouted, dashing towards me and Petra. A blast of fire shot her away from me and he crouched beside me. He wrapped his arms around me as I cried, holding onto him. Glancing back at the now-chaos, Dad said, "Get out of here, okay? I need to go help." I nodded and he left.

I shakily got to my feet to find myself facing Bellatrix. I clenched my jaw and raised my wand, renewed strength bringing colour back to my cheeks. Light flashed back and forth between us as I fought for my life. "Just freaking die!" I shouted irritably.

"Cruc-" she began.

"Protego!" I shouted. She fell to the ground, laughing as the pain from her own spell hit her. "Not again."

"Raven!" Dad shouted. He rushed in, jumping between me and Bellatrix. As he shot spells towards her, he shouted, "Get out of here, Raven!"

"I'm not leaving you, Dad!" I retorted. He ducked, pulling me down with him as a red flash of light flew above us.

"Come on, you can do better than that!" he laughed, taunting her as he straightened. I stood up, moving to the right slightly. He pushed me farther away so I could run, but my leg gave out. Bellatrix smirked, pointing her wand at me and shouted, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" I flinched, but a figure jumped in front of me.

Raven (Fred x oc)Where stories live. Discover now