24. Explosion

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I walked between Sirius and Harry and Hermione as we walked down the passage together. "You know what this means?" Dad asked, looking back at Harry. "Turning Pettigrew in?"

"You're free," Harry replied.

"Yes," he replied with a small smile in my direction. "But I'm also...I don't know if anyone told you, either of you, but Harry, I'm your godfather."

"What?" I gasped. "Wait, you said that earlier. I...I forgot."

"Yeah, I knew that," Harry admitted.

"Well...your parents appointed me your guardian," Dad said. "If anything happened to them..." Dad paused. What was he saying? "I'll understand if you want to live with your aunt and uncle, but, well, think about it. Once my name's cleared, Raven, we would be together again, but Harry, you could live with us too, if you're both okay with that. If you wanted a-a new home."

"What - live with you two?" Harry said, looking between us. I thought it over. Did I want to live with Harry? "Leave the Dursley's?"

"Of course, I thought you wouldn't want to," Dad said quickly. "I understand, I just thought-"

"Are you insane? Of course I want to leave the Dursley's! Have you a house? When can I move in?" Harry exclaimed. Sirius' face was light with happiness, but he looked over to see my unsure face.


Looking between Harry's hopeful face and Dad's thoughtful one, I replied, "I-" The truth was, I selfishly wanted my father all to myself, but at the same time...I knew what it was like to be raised by someone other than your parents and my guardian had even been a good person. Harry's isn't. Reminded of that fact, I said, "Of course. I'm fine with that."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked. "I've been kind of a jerk to you all year." His expression turning guilty, he added, "I broke your arm."

"I'll get you back," I said, smirking at him. At last, we were out out of the Whomping Willow. It was dark now and the moon was concealed by the clouds above us. We made it a decent way before the clouds parted and I spotted the worse thing I could have. "Remus," I said quietly. He stopped, looking up as he began to shake.

"Oh, my, he didn't take his potion tonight! He's not safe!" Hermione shouted.

Paling, I ordered, "Run, now. All of you, RUN!" Harry tried to lung forward to free Ron, but I hit my arm across his chest, shouting, "GO, RUN! NOW! I'll take care of it!" I trembled as I saw Remus begin to change shape.

"Go, Raven," Dad ordered before changing into his dog form. The dog and werewolf began fight just before Hermione screamed and Pettigrew lunged for Remus' wand. Harry disarmed him, but it was too late. Pettigrew transformed and disappeared.

"Sirius, he's gone!" Harry shouted as Remus disappeared into the forest. "Pettigrew transformed!" Spotting Sirius, I crouched down in front of him, brows furrowed in worry. Long gashed crossed his back and muzzle, blood oozing from each one. Before I could do anything, the dog licked my forehead and ran off after Pettigrew. A little after he had gone, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were talking together, but I was distracted by the yelp of a dog.

Without a second's thought, I ran after Sirius. A wave of dread filled me as I reached the edge of the lake. Dementors were before us. Dad changed back and I fell onto my knees beside him. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around me as he moaned, "No, no, no please." Hundreds of them were gliding across the lake towards us.

"Hermione, Val, think about something happy!" Harry shouted. "Expecto Patronum!" I was frozen in my tracks, unable to help. Hermione joined in with him and they attempted to drive off all the dementors with little success.  A dementor swooped down, right in front of me before it lowered its hood.

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