20. End of Term and All that it Entails

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"I still can't believe we won," I gushed, bouncing happily on the couch. Fred sat down next to me and I blushed.

Seeing this, George smirked. "Lee, I think we should go to bed," he said, getting to his feet. "Let's go."

"What? But it's only-" Lee began, but then his eyes landed on Fred and I and his expression shifted to one of understanding. "Oooooh. We're doing that thing? Okay, yeah let's go to sleep. Bye Freddie." They went up the stairs, throwing Fred a wink as he shot them a glare.

Once they were gone, Fred glanced over at me and said, "So...uh...we won."

"Yup," I replied, blushing. After an awkward moment's silence, I said, "And then...I was standing on the field and someone kissed me."

Breaking into a shy smile, Fred replied, "Oh? And who would that be?"

"Some weird guy," I teased, smirking at him. Fred chuckled as I resumed, "He's a little strange. He likes to play pranks, tease people. He has this incessant need to make me laugh. He's rather irritating actually."

"Yeah, some girl kissed me too," Fed said. "She's rather annoying too, stubborn. And she had quite the temper I tell you." Letting out a small laugh, I playfully hit his shoulder. "Hey!" he exclaimed, pretending he was hurt. "That hurt!"

"Sure it did," I chuckled. "Baby."

"Shut up," he interrupted, leaning towards me. I smiled, my eyes fluttering closed as his lips met mine softly. I bit my lip, pulling away slightly. I let out a small chuckled. "What?" he chuckled.

"Nothing," I laughed, beginning to laugh harder at his surprised and scared expression. "No, no, I'm not laughing at you, I swear. It's just...Angelina predicted this."

"Really?" he replied, furrowing his brows. "George predicted this too." Smiling, I stood up.

"We should probably get some sleep," I said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," he replied, standing. Gently, I kissed his cheek and headed up the stairs giddily.

The moment I entered the door, Alicia ran towards me, demanding, "Spill. Angelina said Fred kissed you. Is it true?" I blushed, not answering as I avoided their excited looks.

"Merlin, he did," Katie gasped. I giggled.
The next few weeks were both the most stressful and greatest weeks of my life. On one hand, we were all scurrying to get ready for our O.W.L.s, which meant several hours cooped up in the common room or the library studying. On the other hand, Fred and I got to enjoy the beginning of our relationship as well as a spotlight of a new couple. We spent several evening together having one of our 'study dates' where we'd study together for the O.W.L.s.

"Okay," I sighed, leaning against Fred's legs in the common room as we all sat together. "We have Transfiguration Monday, Charms Tuesday, History of Magic in the morning and Astronomy at midnight Wednesday, Herbology Thursday, and DADA Friday. The next week depends on your electives aside from Monday. That's Potions. I think Runes and Artmancy is Tuesday, Divination and Muggle Studies Wednesday, and Care of Magical Creatures Thursday."

"So that means I'm not done til Thursday," Lee groaned.

"Me too," George sighed.

"Same," Angelina replied.

"Ha, I'm done Tuesday," I chuckled happily. Angelina groaned, falling back against the couch. The first exam week came and then the second and the entire castle seemed silent.

I went to go and pick up the Care of Magical Creatures people after their exam. There was much groaning and complaining as we headed up to the castle. As we reached it, I suddenly stopped, causing Fred to bump into me. "Just had an exam, I expect," Cornelius Fudge said as Harry, Ron, and Hermione approached. "Nearly finished?"

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