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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Look, I know this is difficult and I know you're being tortured, but you've got to keep it together." John spoke softly to Sherlock, looking down at us.

"This isn't torture. This is vivisection. We're experiencing science from the perspective of lab rats." Sherlock breathed, leaning his head back against the wall. He looked at his best friend, stood in front of him, then at his brother, in the doorway to the next room, then to me, knelt next to him.

"Soldiers." I repeated, giving him a small smile, before John and I pulled him to his feet. John handed me the gun and I thanked him quietly, before we moved into the next room.

"Tick tock! Tickets please!" Moriarty's voice came over the speakers.

"Hey, sis. I don't mean to complain, but this one's empty." Sherlock spoke as we walked into the room.
"What happened? Did you run out of ideas?"

"It's not empty, Sherlock. Y/N still has the gun, doesn't she?" Eurus asked.
"I told you she'd need it, because only three can play the next game. Just three of you go on from here, but it's your choice who. It's make-your-mind-up time. Who's help do you need the most? John or Mycroft? It's an elimination round. You choose one and Y/N kills the other. Then she has to live with the guilt of killing her boyfriend's brother... or his best friend. You have to choose. Family or friend? Mycroft or John?"

"Eurus, enough!" Mycroft scolded.

"Not yet, I think, but nearly." Eurus nodded.
"Y/N, will you be able to live with yourself? Of course, you've killed before, but this is different. You care about these people. Sherlock cares about these people. And you love Sherlock. I wonder if he'll ever be able to forgive you after what you're about to do..."

"If the next game only needs three players then kill me. You're right, I've killed before, I deserve this. Send Mycroft, John and Sherlock through to the next round of your sick game." I looked at one of the screens and she smiled, tilting her head.

"No! Are you mad?" John shouted as both he and Sherlock looked at me with sad eyes.

"Possibly." I nodded.
"I'd rather die than kill one of you. I don't think I can do that." I looked at the three of them.

"As tempting as your offer is... I'm going to have to decline. Remember, there's a plane in the sky and it's not going to land." Eurus smiled.

"Well...?" Mycroft stepped forward.

"Well what?" Sherlock asked.

"We're not actually going to discuss this, are we?" Mycroft asked.
"I'm sorry, Dr. Watson. You are a fine man in many respects. Make your goodbyes and have her shoot him." Mycroft waved his hand dismissively.

"What?" John stepped forward.

"Shoot Dr. Watson." Mycroft looked at me, but I didn't move.
"There's no questioning who has to continue from here. It's us. Whatever lies ahead requires brain power, Sherlock. Although, I do agree with Miss Moran. Maybe she should be the one to go, unfortunately Eurus wants her alive for some reason." Mycroft sighed and John looked at me in disbelief.
"Don't prolong his agony, shoot him."

"Do I get a say in this?" John asked.

"Today we are soldiers." Mycroft looked at the shorter man.
"Soldiers die for their country. I regret, Dr. Watson, that privilege is now yours."

"Shit. He's right." John nodded.
"He is, in fact, right."

"I don't want to shoot you, John.'' I shook my head.

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