"Get Over Here And Give Me A Hug."

Start from the beginning

“He has a mild concussion and bruising on the upper torso along with his broken hand but other than that Mr. Daze has a clean bill of health. We want to keep him overnight for observation just as a precautionary measure.”

“Thank you Doctor.”

“I know what you’re going to say Grace but can it wait? My head feels like a tumbleweed been tossed around in the wind.”

“Good and you will hear what I have to say. I’ve called your uncle and he’s on his way back home. If this is what you want to keep on doing, go ahead but don’t expect us to watch you throw your life away.”

So you think that’s what my dad did? Threw his life away?”

“I think he choose been Domador de toros over been a good father.”

Get out Grace.”

“I called Addison, she’s on her way.”

Holden’s p.o.v

At this point in my bull riding career, pain is something I’ve gotten used to. It’s a risk I’m willing to take to achieve the high I get when been in control of such a majestic beast, even if it lasts a few moments.

In a way I find this symbolic, yes I feel closer to my father and all our memories together but also if I’m able to oppress something so chaotic such as a raging bull, what are life’s challenges in comparison?

I respect Grace and understand she is the only mother figure Chris and I have around but when she started speaking ill of my father something within me snapped.

The whole situation around my parent’s deaths still felt raw to me, maybe because I didn’t have time to mourn properly. I had a little brother who needed me and that seemed way more important than shedding tears.

Okay just breathe Holden, find your happy place. Funny how quick my mind wondered over to Addison. Her in my truck, singing along to the radio whilst we drove around town seemed as close as I can get to heaven without actually dying.

I’ve watched her bloom these past few months and find her place in our small town, I’m just glad she knows that place is with me even though neither of us dare to say anything.

End of p.o.v

Outside the hospital entrance

“Grace, I got here as soon as I could. How is he? Why aren’t you with him?”

“Relax doll. Holden is alright. I knew you would be showing up around now so I wanted to give you two some space. He’s in room 214.”

“Thank you.” Addison hugged Grace, it was something they both seemingly needed.

Room 214

“I’m glad to see you’re not too injured, now I won’t feel guilty for killing you.”

Get over here and give me a hug.”

Addison did just that, running into Holden’s open arms and gently holding him for a few minutes before letting him go.

“You had me worried. How did this happen? Are you hurt anywhere else?”

Easy slow down, I have a concussion. It doesn’t matter how it happened, I’m going to be just fine.”

“That’s it. I’ve given you time and space to tell me what’s been going on but you keep brushing it off. Do you think I don’t notice your bruises or the way you flinch sometimes when we hug? You can’t tell me all this happens at the ranch.”

“Please understand that I’m not ready to share this part of my life with you so can you please respect that?”

“You’re not ready or you don’t trust me?”

Honey.” Holden reaches out for Addison’s arm but she moves it away.

“You want me close but on your terms. I get that I’m just your friend but I care for you on a way deeper level and can’t keep seeing you in pain.”

You’re more than just a friend to me and you know it. I just don’t want to lose you.”

“Carry on like this and you definitely will. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Addy wait.”

But it was too late, she had already left the room.

A 20 minute drive later and Addison was back at home. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and hope for a better tomorrow but it was 3pm and the day was far from over.

*Phone notification sound*

'Ask your father if the devil can be retributed. Nothing is as it seems Addy. The past can't be run from.'

Addison wondered about this mysterious message from an unknown number. Was it a prank or were there other people keeping secrets from her?

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