Hosu aftermath

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Now can someone understand and brief what Tokoyami said? I can't understand...

Also, reminder, they are currently 18-19 years old

Izuku POV

I woke up to blinding white light, I squinted my eyes for a proper view and looked around, it was the hospital room. Slowly but surely, memories flooded into my mind, Stain.

I lifted my head but got hit with a lot of pain in my head, guess the Ryoiki Tenkai took a lot out of me, didn't happen in the anime though

I looked around and saw nobody, I saw a plate of omlet beside me and my stomach growled, I started eating and boy was it great!

After a few minutes into eating, the door opened to reveal a nurse, she said "Ah! Your awake I see, thank you for detaining stain by the way, it must have been hard"

"Hehe, yeah, My head is still in pain" I replied, she said "Oh yeah, your girlfriend is waiting outside, you weren't allowed visitors because the police chief wanted to meet you first for some reason, seems biased if you ask me"

I chuckled and nodded my head, she brought the police chief who looked a lot like a dog....

"Hello, my name is Kenji Tsuragamae, I'm the head police chief and would like to ask you a few questions" he almost grumbled, his voice was so deep

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"Hello, my name is Kenji Tsuragamae, I'm the head police chief and would like to ask you a few questions" he almost grumbled, his voice was so deep. I nodded him to continue and another officer came, this time less dog and more human

"Hello, I'm Tsukauchi" he said, I remembered him from my case of Aizawa taking my guardianship

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"Hello, I'm Tsukauchi" he said, I remembered him from my case of Aizawa taking my guardianship

I exclaimed "Oh! Your from my adoption case right?! I'm Izuku!!" Letting my childhood figure roam free before regaining my composure "Sorry, please continue"

"Well, we wanted to thank you for Stain, we did scold Iida Tenya for supposed Vigilantism and Illegal quirk usage, Mirko had given you permission so I have no right or need to scold you on that, other than a thank you, I have nothing to say" Chief said

"But I do, I just have some questions on Stain so please try and answer them truthfully" Tsukauchi said, I nodded and he continued with some random questions, after answering them they were about to leave when I said "Tsukauchi, please wait!"

He turned around and asked "Yes?"

"Well, I hate to ask it now but..."

"It's done"


"Yeah, while you were unconscious, your custody was transferred to Aizawa, your legally Izuku Aizawa now" he said, smiling, then leaving

I sighed in relief and laid down on the bed and waited for the doctor to come, he did and did some test. After sometime, he declared me free to go and I teleported home, the sand which was left behind just traveled home

Uncle Zawa was just sitting at the couch, he was surprisingly awake and eating for something before I placed my hand on shoulder, he flinched and jumped up then went into a stance, I suppressed the urge to laugh at him. He relaxed and came and hugged me, I gladly took it and hugged him too So this is a what a true fatherly hug is like.... I like it

He then asked "What did you think you were DOING??!!!" I flinched and took a step back and put my hands near my chest, palms facing him "W-well i-it was in the h-heat of the moment a-and I-Iida was being attacked so I-I didn't have much of a choice"

He sighed and nodded, then warned "I understand, will your wife??" And I looked down "Probably not" and I had an idea

I slammed my hand on my other palm and said "I'm gonna get pizza and Udon for her" then ran out, after getting those, I came back in and saw Aya

"Izuku Aizawa, we need to talk" she said, her eyes were covered by shadows like in anime so it made me more scared, I stuttered "W-well, let's eat first no? W-we don't want it to get cold"

She huffed and then nodded, I sighed in relief and then thought What the actual fu-dge is with her?!

I ate the food slowly with Aizawa who seemed to be trying to help me, whereas Aya was waiting for me in our room

Aizawa patted me on the shoulder and prayed "May God and your girlfriend have mercy on you kid"

I asked a question before I would face the wrath of Aya "Umm, what am I supposed to call you.... you know, since you legally adopted me?"

He smiled, not the shit eating grin, a genuine smile, and hinted "You can call me whatever you want SON"

I smirked and then said "Thanks DAD" and then went inside, to see Aya was



I don't even know what is going on with this girl anymore, first she gets angry all of a sudden, then cries. Then becomes the literal devil and then becomes a cry-baby... WTF

"I-i-izuku *sniff* S-sorry" she cried, I felt a wave of uneasiness rush over me What is she apologising for? Is this an act? Will she kill me if I go near here?! But... those tears look rea- What if she used eye drops?!... No... this doesn't feel like what Aya would do, maybe I should comfort and support her through whatever is going on

I ran over to her after the small debate in my mind and wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back while she was sobbing in my chest, I tried the most soothing voice I could muster because she looked like she needed it and asked "What's up Aya??"

She stopped after a while of me 'sshhh' -ing her, and said "I-I.... I'm pregnant"

Take 2 (It was a joke 😂)

"I'm sorry, I was very angry towards you for these past 2 months" while sobbing sometimes in between

I forgave her immediately and she continued "I-it was just, seeing you risk yourself. It was too much" and started crying again, this went on for about an hour, after which she went asleep

I came out and slumped my shoulders Thank god it was only that and nothing else

I also slept while cuddling Aya and it was the BEST

Words: 1050

Umm.... I'm thinking about ending this series, AFTER they rescue Eri of course, so there is still the intro of the big 3, internships again and then the raid, and some more things which will not be disclosed

After all that, I'll finish the book

Gaara DekuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon