After Training

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Imma just start, Shukaku has an OC personality in this

In Izuku's Mindscape

"Lets start training!!!" I said with hope as someone finally wants to train me.

"Listen kid, as much as I hate this part, I have to explain how the sand moves"

"Oh.... Ok, start then"

"So, I have a thing called chakra which moves the sand and because Im inside you, you can move it to your free will, we can do a LOT of things with chakra but I have sensed that for some reason, this world cannot use it even though they have it, I suggest that after training take a certain amount of sand and I'll put my chakra in it to make it stronger Ok??"

"OK!! Now can we get to training??"

"Sure" Shukaku said as he chuckled

Timeskip!! (He can do everything Gaara does in season 3 and teleport using sand molecules if shukaku's chakra is in it)

"Your training for now is done, go out it's nearly 1 hour 45 minutes in the real world" Shukaku said, proud of what the boy has achieved in 10 years.

"Thanks Shukaku, for the training but I was wondering something during our training"

"If it's about more training then don't worry, I can talk to you through our mind as they are connected and you can see me when you sleep if you want"

"No not that, thanks for the info but, I was thinking that why are you behind the cage and why is there paper on the bars??"

"Its the seal, it limits how much chakra I can give you but as you can't use it except in your sand. So, the seal is pointless. Also, if you want, I can come out to aid you or go on my personal rampage, but I prefer not to"

"So I can just rip this off??"

"If you trust me not to go on a rampage" Shukaku replied with a menacing grin

"Ok" Izuku said as he rose up to rip the seal off

"W-wait, are you sure??!! I can go on a rampage if I conquer your mind!!"

"Its not like you will, besides I trust my brain and you" Izuku said while knocking on his head, then he rose enough to rip it off and did "Now, how do I leave??"

"Just think that you want to leave and you will leave"

"Ok" Izuku said as he pressured his mind, ordering it that he wants to leave. He did it after a few tries and woke up in the real world

Ok, Shukaku, can you hear me??

Yes, now shut up and go to the girl

All right, just checkin Izuku thought as he walked up to his window and rose up with the help of sand from his house's garden. He reached his window and opened it slowly, he wrote a new letter containing most of the things from his suicide letter excluding the things that he is doing suicide and left it on the table before leaving with 2 bags.

After some time, he came to the address to find a beautiful house made of wood in between the woods

What the he'll?? Wasn't she living alone?? Izuku thought as he wondered, being stunned at the beauty of the house

"Hey Izuku!!" Ayaka said, she looked as if going to an office

"Hey Fukisaki, thanks for letting me stay, where do you work??"

"First of all, call me Ayaka. Secondly,  No problem!! And third, I work as a delivery girl" she said while giving a thumbs up

"Oh ok, Can you give me the key??" Izuku asked as he pointed to the big house "And isn't that a bit expensive for a delivery girl??!!"

"It was my parents, they were super rich and had many houses but I thought I'm the only one living, literally, so why not sell the others for money? And I did, I just have this job to keep having money so I don't run out. And here" She tosses the keys as she giggled a bit

Fu[k she's cute Izuku thought then caught the keys she tossed "Thanks, when do you leave?? I mean the job"

"Hmm, considering it's already 7:50, I think I'm gonna be late unless I use my quirk. Sooo~~ I'll come back around... 12"

"You work that late?!"

"You'll be surprised at how many people order pizzas at 11 pm" She said while getting ready to take off with her quirk, then she waved before saying "Bye then!!"

"Yeah.. bye" Izuku said while seeing Ayaka tale off I think I'll go to the beach for the sand With that, He took off

After reaching a certain beach

Geez this place is trashed, I used to love coming here but WTF happened?? He thought while looking around

Ok kid, I suggest that you clean this beach up for training, even with the physical things I did, which are not a lot, you can use this to build up some muscle

Thanks for the idea!! I'll start right away!! Izuku thought responding to Shukaku "All right! Let's start!!!"

Fu[k this is tiresome!!! I have to work on my stamina Izuku thought to himself as he was walking to his new home which he actually was happy about Its 12 now, Ayaka should be home by now He thought to himself as he reached the place to find Ayaka laying on the floor, not even close to the door "She passed out......" After sighing, Izuku carried her bridal style to her room while being a tomato

He put her on the bed and when he was about to leave, he felt something tug his arm, he looked behind to see Ayaka holding his sleeve "Do you need anything??"

"Where will you sleep? I only have one room"

"Oh... well.... I think I'll sleep on the couch or outside, it's windy and I like it"

"Don't go out, there are mosquitoes. Sleep with me on the bed"

".... excuse me"

"Sleep with me on the bed, it'll be better" She said, half-alseep already

Izuku went red and asked "Are you sure that I'll not be bothering you???"

"Yeah now sleep, I'm tired" she said while taking a blanket on

"You don't wanna change?? I can go out if you want"

"Just sleep"

"Ok" Izuku replied, he went on the bed fully red that he was sleeping beside a cute girl.

Words: 1080

Well that was something...

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