~Chapter 18~

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(Nicholas' Point of View)

I watched as Averelle's knees gave out from under her, & pulled her to my chest. "Averelle," I mumbled, thinking this was some kind of joke. I began to panic when her eyes didnt open, "Averelle!"

Something in me broke, why wasnt she waking up!? "Nick," Harris, my beta touched my arm. I kept my eyes on my mate's beautiful face, I didnt care if we didnt get along, she was my main priority right now. "She's unconcious, you need to let her rest." Harris reached for Averelle, I growled at his approach.

"Nicholas," Harris groaned, running his hands through his hair. "Averelle isnt going to get better unless you let her rest, & go watch after Aiden."

I felt as if someone had punched me in my gut, in all that was happening I completely forgot about my indangered son.

Thankfully, my grandma entered the room moments later, Aiden in her arms. "Daddy!" His little face lit up, making a grin appear on my face. The little squirt made everything better.

"Where's Mu-" He stopped when he saw Averelle in my arms, & began to squirm. "Mummy!" His little accent rang out, tears welled up in his icy, blue eyes. I wanted to comfort him, but I couldnt do so without dropping Averelle; and to be honest, I dont think I could take losing anyone else that I loved.

My grandma smiled sadly at me, an untold story rumbling in her eyes. She loved Averelle, even if she hadnt known her all that long.

I finally got my mind back into the present, & walked over to my mate's bed to tuck her in. She looked angelic lying there.

Her wavy, brown locks fanned out across the pillows, & shallow breathes escaped her perfect, pink lips. I was thankful she had given me a chance to get to know Aiden, even if it meant not having her in all the ways I wanted. But it was something.

At some point in time, Aiden had broken free of my grandma's iron grip, & was hugging my legs like a vice. "W..what's wrong with M..mummy?" He stuttered, looking up at me with tears falling from his eyes. My heart ached.

I bent down at scooped him up into my arms, hugging him tightly. "I dont know, buddy. But, she's going to get better." As much as I was trying to reassure not only myself, but him, I couldnt.

Aiden believed me, but I didnt believe myself. Things were going great until this happened, but that only made me think. Why did she faint when she heard that Aiden's 4th birthday was tomorrow? What could be as bad as our pup turning four?


A/N: Hello everyone! So, how do you like the story so far? Anyways, the picture off to the right (or left if you're on the app) ~~> was designed by my close friend, Hayley. So applause to Hayley for the beautiful creation, & I cant wait to see more!

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