~Chapter 14~

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The drive back to the pack house was silent, the radio being the only sound. Every few seconds, Jacob's hands would clentch on the steering wheel, anger burning in his eyes.

He hadnt wanted Nicholas to know about Aiden, but then again, why would he have asked me if I'd ever thought about telling him? I knew I had done the right thing in telling Nicholas about Aiden, but had I lost a friend in the process?

By the time we got back, the clock was reading 1:00. I hadnt realized it took a little over an hour to get back, it didnt seem like that long of a drive at all.

I helped Aiden out of his car seat, feeling Jacob's eyes on me the entire time. "Aiden, can you go help Grandma in the kitchen? Uncle Jake & I need to talk." My little one nodded, & ran into the house, leaving me & Jacob to talk.

"Why?" His voice was pained, something that was forgien to him. I knew what he was talking about, why I had told Nicholas, why I hadnt lied & said otherwise.

"Because, it was the right thing to do." Jacob scoffed, a cold laugh escaping his throat. "How was it the right thing to do, Averelle!? My brother wasnt there for you & Aiden, heck, he even went as far as rejecting you."

My hands began shaking, & a flame of anger began in the pit of my stomach. "You dont think I know that, Jake? You dont think I know what he did? Well, news flash, I was there when he rejected me, & I was there the 3 years Aiden grew up without a father. He needs his father. Everyday he watches his friends go home with their fathers, but he cant! He even asked me where his father was the other night, & you know whatI did? I lied, Jacob. I lied to my only child, & I feel horrible about it. So now, with Nicholas actually wanting to be in his life, its the best thing that ever could've happened to him."

Jacob's eyes filled with fire once more, & he raised his fist, as if to hit me. "You're wrong, Averelle. The best thing that could happen to Aiden, would be you leaving him."

I watched with stinging eyes, as Jacob stormed off. Rain began to fall from the sky, mixing in with my tears as I cried. I was weak, useless, pathetic. But, I wasnt going to leave my son. Not with his life in danger, not ever.

I suppose that's just motherly instincts, but I wouldnt have my life any other way. My son needed his father, & god dammit he was going to have him!

My tears soon stopped flowing, & I walked inside.

(Nicholas's Point of View)

After dropping Anna off with my sister, I drove back to the pack house, & disappeared into my office. I still couldnt believe that I had a son, an actual heir.

Of course I was angry that Averelle had kept him from me for so long, but at the moment I didnt care. Averelle was alive, & well, despite the doubts I had had. But, I guess that's what happens when you have your best trackers search for someone you love, only to never find them.

Well, not until 3 years later. I didnt like the idea of my mate, & my son Aiden, living with my brother. He was unpredicatble, & manipulative.

He was also, the one to blame for our mother's death. I could still remember that night, as if it were drilled into my memory, & meant to torture me for as long as I lived..

*Flash Back*

I had been coming home from school, when I smelt fire. Of course being my 10-year-old self, I had to investiagate.

My older sister would be worried that I hadnt arrived on time, but at the moment, that didnt matter. A piercing scream erupted from the woods, & I ran as fast as I could towards it.

"P..please, I dont know what you're talking about!" A young girl's voice hiccuped, before the sound of hand-to-skin contact was made, & another scream rang out. This only motivated me to run faster, I had to see what was going on. My mum would want to know, so she could deal with it later.

Soon, I came to a clearing, & climbed a tall oak tree, watching the scene from above. The girl I had heard earlier, was my the daughter of Alpha Collin, I think her name was Grace.

"Lies!" My brother's familiar voice rang out, venom lacing his every word. "I'll ask you once more time, WHERE ARE AIDEN & AVERELLE!?" I winced as he grabbed Grace by her hair, & held a shiny object to her heart. It was a gun!

"If I knew, I still wouldnt tell you!" Grace snarled, her blue eyes shining with anger. "Fine, dont." He pulled the trigger, & she fell forward, blood leaking out of her chest, & onto the green ground.

"Bring out the next one," Jacob snarled, I gasped as I saw who it was. Mum. Her straight, shimmering blonde hair was matted in red, & her body was shaking.

"Darling, why are you doing this?" She asked pained, her brown eyes shining with sadness. "Because, Collin's daughter is special. She & any of her decendents, are to be filled to the brim with magic." He held the same gun he had used to kill Grace, to our mother's heart.

"I know you went to visit April today, so tell me, Mother, where are the golden twins?" He clocked the gun, & my hands started shaking, he wouldnt kill her, right?

"I will not tell you, my son." She sighed, & looked up at the tree I was hiden in, as if sensing me. "I love you," Her words were barely audible, before Jacob pulled the triger, killing our mother.

*End of Flash Back*

I felt anger burning inside of me at the memory, & touched that scar on my left forearm gently. After Jacob had caught me watching, he threatened to kill Diana, if I told a soul.

After I had promised not to say anything, he slashed my arm with a silver knife, & walked off, laughing cruelly the whole time.

I had never forgiven my brother for that moment, & I never would. He had killed our mother, & I could promise you one damn thing, he wouldnt be getting even close to killing Averelle & Aiden. He'd have to kill me first, but first I would have to bring Averelle & Aiden here, even if it meant the worst.

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