**Closing Author Note**

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Hello everyone! Sadly, our journey has come to an end. I want to thank you all for your reads, comments, & votes for I wouldnt have made it thus far without them. But regardless, I have a few other people I'd like to thank, that you may & or may not know.

 First, I thank you my followers/readers for everything. You are my favorite part of writing a story, the main reason I will go onto writing more stories. They may not all be in the Werewolf genre, but please if you dont mind, take the time to read them for me. I'd love to see your views.

Second, a fellow classmate & crush from afare, Nicolas; he inspired the character of Nicholas Storm. I remember times when I was frustrated with the things he'd do, & I would write them out as a way to calm myself.

Third, my best & closest friends Jessica, Destiny & Kierston. The three of you have become like more a family to me, even if we do not share the same blood. But then again, family isnt always blood. When I met you all, I was new to our school & I had no friends at all. Thankfully, you all took me in under your wings, & helped me to grow to the point I am now.

And finally, I give thanks to a boy I have yet to see since I've moved. Grayson, I hope you're happy in the decisions you made, when we stopped speaking. But I will tell you, this has been the longest 2 years of my life. I'm sorry for the mistakes I made, & no matter what, I will always look to you as an example of what a true teammate really is.

His Mistake, My PerfectionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum