~Chapter 17~

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Its been exactly an hour now that Ive been seated in this armchair, & my bottom was beginning to grow numb. The clock on the wall showed that the time was a quater till 8, & I had promised to help Lucy in the kitchens at 9.

I got up out of my chair, & stood streatching for a few minutes; before walking up the stairs as quietly as possible. I knew from experiance, that a grumpy Alpha was never a good one.

As I walked into my bedroom, I saw the sun beginning to come up over the forest line, & smiled. Ive always adored sunrises, they brought a new day or a chance to renew our mistakes from the day before.

Still smiling, I walked into my bathroom, & climbed into the shower, washing away all the dirt & muck from yesterday's surprise road trip. I still wasnt aware of how long Aiden & I would be staying, but at the rate Nicholas & I are going now; I dont think we'll stay much longer.

I still couldnt believe that Nicholas would say such horrible things about his brother, or that he would lie about how my sister & his mother were murdered.

The thing with my elder brother Greyson, however I believed whole heartedly. But, if I was being honest I would only say I believed him to be a traitor, because I saw him speaking with Alpha Nightshade; on the night of mine & Aiden's 17th birthday.

With a heavy-hearted sigh, I shut off the water, & got out of the shower, wrapping a big, fluffy towl around my small body. I really needed to start eating a little more, it wasnt healthy to be this tiny.

As I was slipping on my underwear, a knock sounded. I tightened the towel around my body once more, & walked over to open my door.

Imagine my shock, when I saw a girl I'd never seen before, smiling at me as if we were long lost best friends. "Hi," I greeted politely, not wanting to be rude to this girl.

Speaking with her made me feel like I was hideous, seeing as how she was a dark-skinned beauty. She had nice, caramel colored skin, chocolate eyes that could bring even the cruelest of giants to their feet, & immensely curly brownish-black hair.

"Hey," She returned my greeting, pulling me into a hug. "My name's Raine, I'm Ron's mate." Raine smiled, asking me with her eyes if she could enter my room.

"Oh, please come in." I returned her smile, opening the door a little more so that she could enter. "Its nice to finally meet you, Ron has told me so much." The foregin beautiful smiled, & took a seat on my bed. That's when I noticed the white designer brand bag she carried in her hand.

She must've seen my baffled expression, because her face lit up once again. "This is for you, I dont think Nick wanted you to go around naked." Rain winked at me, & handed me the bag.

"Now, go! I wanna see how you look!" I let out a girlish giggle, & ran into my bathroom to get changed. (Outfit is in the External Link~~>)

Raine squealed as I walked out to show her, immediatly getting attacked in a hug. "Oh my gosh! You look G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!" I felt my cheeks get hot, & they only reddened when Nicholas burst through the door, worry etched on his face.

"I heard screaming, what's going on!?" He panicked, scanning the room through narrowed eyes. Raine let out a giggle, & jumped up. "Well, I gotta go meet Ron for breakfast. Tootles!" She hugged me & Nicholas, before running out of the room.

"Are you okay?" Nicholas asked, scanning my body over for cuts & or bruises. I smiled weakly at him, "I'm alright, Alpha. Raine just got excited & squealed, I apologize if we awoke you."

My mate frowned, & walked over to me, tilting my chin up so that my eyes would meet his. "Nick, Averelle. I'm not your Alpha, you are my equal. Dont apologize for something that the two of you couldnt control, it wasnt your fault." I felt butterflies in my stomach when our eyes met, & my skin burned from our contact.

I mentally frowned, I shouldnt be feeling like this. He rejected me, we arent mates anymore. "That's a lie,"Lily sang in my head, almost making me smile.

"I cant still have feelings for him, he-" Lily growled, "The past is the past, Averelle. You would know that better than anybody. Give the man a chance!"

Nicho-Nick, looked into my eyes, & began leaning in. My heart began pounding against my chest, & I prayed to the moon goddess that he couldnt hear it. Our lips were only millimeters apart, when the door burst open.

My mate let out a low growl at the brown-haired man that had interupted us, his cold, emotionless mask back in place.

"What is it, Harris?" Nick snapped, his eyes darkening. "Apologies for the interuption, but I thought you'd like to know that Aiden has woken up, & his magic aura is getting stronger. Luna, when is your son's birthday?" I blushed at the word 'Luna', there was no way I would be the Queen of Alphas. No way in hell.

"Averelle is fine, please. And his birthday is August the 18th, tomorrow to be exact." That's when my whole world came crashing down, Aiden's 4th birthday, the day his magic awakens.

My knees grew weak, my world grew dark.

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