chapter 1

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Singto was sitting on the couch with the mic in his hands, krist was sitting beside him drinking water. As a natural habit, krist offered the water to singto and singto sipped it from the same straw, and then Krist drank it again

"Indirect kiss" the fans screamed

Singto laughed and krist's ears turned red

"So singto muffin or Pluto?" The interview asked

"Muffin" singto immediately said

"Muffin or krist?" The interviewer asked

"Kit" singto immediately replied

The fans screamed again

"Krist, drums or sleep?" The interviewer asked

"Drums" krist said

"Drums or singto?" The interviewer asked

"Singto" krist replied

The fans screamed again

After around half an hour, their interview was over and they were sitting in their hotel room. They had to share a room for this fanmeet, they would be leaving in an hour

"Krist, you are a great actor huh" singto said in a mocking tone

"What do you mean?" Krist asked

"You actually convince our fans that we are lovey dovey" singto said smirking

"Its not hard though" krist replied

"But you know right I hate it?" Singto asked

"And you know right, doing what you hate is what I love?" Krist asked

"I'm sick of you" singto said looking away

"Then just leave me, I am begging you to do that Mr prachaya" krist said joining his hands together

"I am with you only for our fans" singto said

"You know what, it won't take more than four to five months for them to forget us" krist said

"Will you forget me?" Singto asked seriously

"With pleasure" krist replied

"Let's talk about it later" singto suggested

"Let's never talk" krist suggested

Singto shook his head and walked out of the room, to p'jane's room

"Sing, how many times do I need to tell you, to not invade in my privacy?" P'jane asked

"I am sorry p, but.." Singto was cut by p'jane

"I know, you both had a fight again. I don't understand how come your ship is so strong when you barely even talk in real life?" P'jane wondered

"I don't get him p, he is always so rude and cold" singto said

"I don't see you being warm either" p'jane said

"Why should I be? He doesn't make any efforts" singto said

"See singto, you both need to sort this out soon" p'jane advised

"Why?" Singto asked

"Because we have a series for you offered by GMM TV, do you want to reject it?" P'jane asked

", I don't want to reject it. But what about him?" Singto asked

"Don't worry about me, I will do it" krist said walking inside the room

Singto and p'jane got startled by the sudden entry

"How long have you been here?" Singto asked

"When p'jane told you about the new series offer" Krist replied

Singto sighed in relief

"Great then, you both are okay doing it. We will meet them tomorrow, and the workshop will start by next week I guess" p'jane informed

"P, what type of a series is it?" Singto asked

"Aw! Its a sad story, a heartbreaking one. The characters are Kao and Perth. The introduction to the characters will be given tomorrow with the script" p'jane said

"OK p, I just don't want the story to be depressing" singto said

"Just like our lives?" Krist asked not looking at singto

Singto didn't reply

"Krist, can I talk to you?" P'jane asked

Krist nodded and p'jane gestured singto to leave

"Krist, are you sure you want to work with singto?" P'jane asked

"Yes p, its work after all" krist replied with a faint smile

"As you wish, just don't put yourself in more troubles" p'jane said

"What I have in my life right now, is the maximum love god can shower" krist said sarcastically

"Krist.....singto is worried for..." P'jane was cut by krist

"He is a selfish creature, he is only worried for his career, his life, his reputation that's it" krist said

The krist who was completely calm a second ago, was now fuming in anger on the mention of the older's name

"You don't know him krist" p'jane said

"How I wish, that I never would know him" krist said and left

Singto walked in and stared outside the window with a blank expression

"He still hasn't forgiven me" singto said

"Not his fault, your action, words were all harmful to the little kid" p'jane said

"Do you think it was only me who hurt him, what about him. What did he do?" Singto asked

"I don't know, all I now know is, you both are heading towards the wrong direction" p'jane said

"I know, I can't help it either" singto mumbled under his breath

Sometimes its better to leave, because sometimes staying hurts more than leaving....💔

I purple you 💜

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