Wash away the ink

Start from the beginning

"Ladybug? You awake now?" She heard Chat say from the other side of the wall. She curled up in a ball of defence, trying to hide her body- just in case he looked over. 

"I'm up. What happened? Did you see my civilian form?" Marinette rambled in panic, banging her hands against her head in worry. 

"Of course not, you know I wouldn't break that rule," he laughed out a little in disbelief. A pang of guilt shot the girl straight in the heart at the response. Considering she accidently found out Chat Noir was none other than Adrien Agreste, how could she not let the shame consume her whole. 

"I know, you wouldn't do that. I trust you," she mumbled out looking down at the ground in agony. 

"I trust you too," he breathed out in honesty. 

The girl wanted nothing more than to smack her head repetitively against the wall. That way, she would simply pass out and be rid of the guilt. 

"Anyway, how long has it been? We have seriously just been napping in the bathroom while the school in the rest of Paris is being tormented," Marinette said bringing herself to her feet. Once again, pink sparkles made their way around the bathroom consuming the darkness whole. 

"Almost an hour," the boy said. He covered his ears knowing what would come next.

"What! An hour? Are you serious? Chat- you should've woken me up!" Ladybug stressed as she revealed herself from behind the wall. 

"I'm sorry, M'lady. I couldn't wake you. Reviving those wounds were more important," He said back, removing his hand from his ears once she finished shouting. 

Ladybug dragged her hands down her and let her shoulders droop. "You know, this is all my fault. I have to fix it. If only I caught that akuma..." the girl said trailing off. 

"You forgot to catch an akuma? When did that happen? You never miss one- oh," Chat Noir hung is head low, almost shamefully. He suddenly remembered the night when Ladybug saved him from his dark, crippling thoughts. "Then it's my fault. Not yours." 

"Don't be silly. It was my job to catch it, I simply failed an easy task that night of the rooftop." Marinette walked over to Chat Noir and placed her hands on his shoulder, pulling him into a tight hug. 

"But, if I hadn't been all moody in the first place, over some stupid.. tattoo- this would never of happened!" The boy gritted his teeth, still clearly not over the very tattoo on the surface of his wrist. Before he was overtaken by desolation and hopelessness, Ladybug swiftly raised her arms and pinched his cheeks. This caught him by surprise, and he found himself gazing into her gorgeous blue eyes, those ocean eyes you get lost and swim in forever, never truly being able to escape the depths of the deep blue. 

"Now you listen here," she said, inching forward to close the gap. Cupping his face in her cheeks, she continued. "I know, it's hard. Trust me, I know," the girl looked down again, almost teary-eyed. "Sometimes, it just doesn't turn out how we want it to. Sometimes, our tattoo doesn't show who we want. Sometimes, you just want to pretend it's not there- ignore it- as though it doesn't exist," Ladybug continued, searching deeply Chat's electric green eyes, as though she was telling him she was disappointed it wasn't the boy himself. "Sometimes you feel broken. Defeated. Worthless." 

Though it hurt more to hear it out loud, Chat Noir couldn't help but light up knowing he wasn't alone. That someone, and not just someone- but Ladybug, had felt the same way about the unknown tattoo on her own wrist. Chat let out a shaky sigh, and leant his head against the girl's shoulder. 

"Yeah. I know," he muttered, now wrapping his arms around her. 

"There's nothing we can do about what we were given."

Tattoos ➳ 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼  𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮  𝓐𝓤Where stories live. Discover now