Chapter 10

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** Chapter 10 **

** Katie's P.O.V **

** The Next Day ** ~ 10:27 AM.

I was awoken by a lot of shouting from next door.

" Katie?" My mum called from downstairs. I quickly shoved my dressing gown on and headed downstairs.

" Yeah?" I asked sitting up on the breakfast bar and taking a piece of toast from the plate.

" Do you have any idea whats going on next door?" She asked reaching the orange juice from the fridge.

" No, why would I?" I asked, I assumed Beau had gotten into trouble again.

" I heard your name being mentioned" She said, I dropped my toast back onto the place, oh no. I quickly ran up the stairs and got changed, throwing some jeans and a hoddie on and shoving my hair in a messy bun. 

" Katie, where are you going!?" My mum shouted after me.

" I just need to go and sort something out!" I replied.

"  Okay? Be sure to be back by lunchtime, we're going out with the family" She added.

" Will do!" I said as I slammed the door behind me. I hurried across the driveway to the Brooks' Brother's house and began knocking on the door. Beau answered.

" Oh thank god you're here, they're going to kill eachother!" Beau  let out a sigh of relief.

" Where are they?" I asked.

" Through there" Beau directed me. I walked into the living room where Jai and Luke were screaming at eachother. Gina was in the middle of them trying to break it up.

" ENOUGH!" I shouted, both of their eyes darted to the other side of the room where I stood.

" Katie?" They both said in sync.

" You guys need to sort it out, this is likethe fifth time you've argued this week! Whats wrong this time?!" I exclaimed.

" I know what he did to you last night" Luke said, the anger in his eyes.

" You have  no right to but into my business! What happened is between me and Katie!" Jai defended himself.

" Actually its between you and that slut from the boat" Luke replied sassily.

" Shut the fuck up, you're just jealous!" Jai sassed back.


" I WAS DRUNK!" Jai stated.

" I give up!" Gina surrendered and left the room.

" Look, you both need to sort it out, i've had enough of this!" I cut across them." Jai if you love me then you will cut it out!" I added. He nodded and looked to the floor in shame." And Luke if you cared about me, then you'd stop all of this arguing" I said. He nodded and put his arms out for a hug. Jai looked up and smiled accepting his hug.

" What about me?" Beau said in a childish voice jumping over the couch and joining in.

" I've got to get back, mum's fussing over some dinner, are you guys okay now?" I double checked.

" Yeah" They all assured me.

** The Restaurant **

" I don't see what the big fuss is about" I said getting out of the car." Its just lunch at some fancy restaurant!" I added making sure my  dress was okay, she had bought me the cutest baby pink skater dress.

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