"Back up! Everyone back! Get these kids out of here!" Sheriff Stilinski screamed as Stiles pulled him and James towards the body. "Dad, James, just come here. Look, look. Look at it. It's the same as the others, you see?"

Stiles' father nodded, turning to his son. "Yeah, I see that. Do me a favor. Go back to school, yeah?" James turned to Finstock. "Coach, can you give us a hand here?"

The Coach nodded, turning to his students. "You heard the man. Nothing to see here. Probably just some homeless kid." Will took a small step towards the man, leaning towards him. "Coach... He was a senior."

The man whipped his head to Will in shock. "Oh. He wasn't on the team, was he?" Will slowly shook his head, making Coach let out a relieved sigh as a blonde girl ran to the body. "Kyle! Oh, god, Kyle! Oh, god!"  She screamed, going to run up to her now dead boyfriend but James quickly grabbed her shoulders, stopping her as Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Will and Stephanie walked back to the school.

"You see the way the twins looked at him?" Isaac asked, turning to the group. Stiles scoffed, turning to him from the opposite end of the group. "Yeah, you mean like they had no idea what happened?"

Isaac shook his head, looking back ahead. "No, no, they knew."

Stiles squinted at Isaac, shaking his head. "The kid was strangled with a garrote, all right? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of werewolfitude in these murders?" Isaac turned to Stiles, tilting his head slightly. "Oh, you think it's a coincidence they turn up and then people start dying?"

"Well, no, but I still don't think it's them." Stiles said before turning to Will and Stephanie. "What do you guys think?"

Will immediately side stepped to stand beside Stiles, indicating he was on his side. Stiles let out a happy hum, wrapping an arm around Will.

The four boys turned to Stephanie who looked back and forth between them before sighing. "I'm agreeing with Isaac." Stiles groaned and Stephanie immediately turned to him, shaking his head as she started to talk over his groan.

"Because they don't always kill people a way a werewolf would." Stephanie tried to reason but Will shook his head. "No, no, no! That's no fair. He's getting more points then Stiles for sleeping with you."

Stephanie and Isaac's cheeks went red and Stiles smirked. "You guys haven't done it yet!" Stephanie glared at Stiles, throwing an energy ball to him, sending him stumbling back a few steps.

She went to do the same to Will but he quickly put his hands up in surrender. "What? Don't attack me. I like him. He's saved my life a couple times so I owe him one."

Isaac sent Will a grateful smile as the four turned to Scott. "Scott? How 'bout you?" Stiles asked and Scott instantly sighed. "I don't know yet."

Will looked at Scott annoyed. "You don't know yet?" Scott turned, pointing to Isaac and Stephanie. "Well, they've got a point. Seriously, guys, human sacrifices?" Scott asked Will and Stiles.

"Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Steph's turn purple and she moves things with her mind, she can control the freaking elements and she has a moving birthmark. Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear, And if I were to stab you right now, It would just magically heal, but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?" Stiles whisper yelled.

Scott looked at Stiles for a few seconds before sighing, turning to Stephanie and Isaac. "That's a good point too."

Isaac huffed, looking to the school. "I don't care. They killed that kid, They killed the girl that saved me. I'm gonna kill them too."

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