"What're you doing in my room?" 

"I just wanted to talk." He says, coming closer. "Any word from my son?" I shake my head. "Well, that's a shame."

"Why? Why are you even here?" He immediately seemed surprised by my boldness.

"I love my son, I just wanted to visit him." I couldn't help the scoff that came out of my mouth. I haven't heard much about Alfrigo but, everything I have heard, has completely contradicted his statement. "Is something wrong?" He immediately glares, getting defensive.

"From what I've heard, that statement is anything but true."

"You're nothing but a whore my son uses, you know nothing of our relationship!"

"I'm not a whore, Ace and I may have been intimate, but there was more between us than sex. As for your relationship with your son, it's barely existent. What little relationship you do have with Ace, is nothing but cruelty. You treat everyone, especially him, horribly all because you're a don. You don't even realize how much he does for this mafia, how much he does for its people, all because you're too busy hiding."

"Oh, is that what you think?!" He was filling with rage. His face was turning red and I could see his hand shaking.

"Yes. I think Ace is a brave, humble, and respectful man. I think he has learned to become that way on his own, even after all the stress, pain, and suffering you put him through. I think he will make an amazing don one day and be much better than the current one, seeing as his nothing more than a coward."

I immediately fell to the ground when I felt a strong hand hit my face. I reached up to my cheek that felt like it was stung by a thousand fire ants. I had a cut from where his ring sliced into my cheekbone. I looked up at him, holding my face, to see he was still fuming.

"You know nothing! You're nothing but a whore my son used to relieve some stress. The only thing you'll ever be to my son and the people in this world, other than a whore, is dead."

"Really?" I ask in between breaths. "Cause some people have actually referred to me as Donna."

I let out a yelp as he kicked me in the stomach twice, knocking the breath out of me. He stormed out of the room, slamming the door. I just laid there, letting tears roll down my face. I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have angered him. I couldn't help it though. I wasn't going to just keep my mouth shut and let him have whatever he wants. I wasn't going to be the girl who did nothing anymore.

I winced as I got up, holding my stomach. I slowly got up and walked to the nightstand grabbing my phone, before sliding down the wall next to it. I went through my contacts, immediately finding the number of the one person I wanted, the one person who could help. All I could do now, was pray that he picked up. 

"Ace?" Of course though, it went straight to voicemail. I sighed, frustrated, but desperate. "I know you're not answering any of us, but I'm worried. I'm worried about you, I'm worried about the people in this house, I'm worried about your father. I'm worried about how much anger he will build up before he explodes on all of us...

"I know you needed to get away, I've tried to be patient, to think about other stuff, but I can't anymore. I'm begging, Ace. Please, just call us. I don't need to know where you are, just that you're okay. It kills me that I'm asking you this but, I'm begging you, please just come home." I wanted to say more, so much more, but the voicemail cut off.

I didn't go to dinner that night. Antony and the others texted me, asking where I was, but I just told them I was too tired. I couldn't sleep at all though. I kept thinking, wondering about Ace, where he was and if he was okay. I'll also admit that I was scared. I pushed Alfrigo more than I should've and I was slightly afraid he would come back. I made sure to keep my knives under my pillow.

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