"It's not an option," I said and licked my lips.

She bit hers and raised her eyebrow.

"Are you telling me I have no choice Jordan?" She asked and placed her hand on my stomach.

I looked at her and my fangs tingled as she rubbed my stomach. She was the first vessel to every do this without turning. It was like she knew but was unaware of it. I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

" Well , I will leave you to it, " I said.

She laughed and kissed my cheek. I smiled and turned around and placed my hands in my pockets of the red sweat pants I had on. I went back into my room and turned on my Xbox one. I had got hooked on these when they first came out. I have no idea why the intrigued me.  I sat on the edge of my king side bed and placed my headseat on.

" Jay man she look better up close," I heard Ezra voice come through the head seat.

" I'm going to tell Taleah and Emilia on you Ez, " I said and chuckled.

" Please, aint nobody scared of they little short asses," she said.

"Right," I said as I shot her in the back.

" You my dear sir are an ass," she said and laughed.

"Is Ez upset she sucks at video games?" I taunted as
I took out out Rory's guy.

"Fuck you Jay! I just logged in nigga!" He said.

"That's what yo ass get for making us go hunting with yo ass," Ez said and chuckled.

"It was not that bad," He said and shot Ez.

"Fuck you Rory. You know I don't fuck with snakes," Ez said as she shot Rory in the head.

"For you to be a vampire and scared of snakes is a shame," I said and shot her in the head and chest.

"Shut up Jay. They just creepy they crawl on they belly that shit is just.. creepy," she said and chuckled.

I laughed and shook my head.

" Ummm Jordan?"

I looked up and saw Geovanni standing in the doorway with nothing but a towel on. I felt my fangs tingle. I watched as looked around for a place to drop her dirty clothes. I watched as the water rolled down from her neck into her cleavage. Her arties were full and plump.  She smelled clean and like a field of flowers.

"Jay?" I heard her call my name.

"I'm sorry what did you need sweetheart?" I asked as my eyes traveled down her thick chocolate coated thighs.

"Some clothes and lotion," she said and smirked.

"Sure,"  I said turn off the  game.

I walked over to my closet  and got the lotion off my dresser.

"Umm do you want something of mines? Or do you want me to go ask one of the girls?" I asked her from inside of my closet.

I sensed her walking into the walk in. She placed her hand on my shoulder and then one around my neck as she pulled me down and back into her. I bit my lip as her warm wet body pressed into my back.

" You haven't had many girls stay over have you?" She asked lowly in my ear as her hand found it's way up my white t-shirt.

"Well I have but they usually don't end up leaving," I said as she slowly ran her hand up and down my stomach.

"How can your best friend dress me and you can't?" She asked as she released me from her soft embrace.

"It has been a long time. Somethings you forget how to do when you don't do it for a very long time," I said  and chuckled.

She walked around my body. Her lip was trapped between her teeth.

"Besides, I'm sure she didn't dress you but my sister did. Ezra plays too much and you would probably end up giving her the first taste," I said and licked my lips as I eyed her body in this towel.

"Give  me some of your clothes," she said.

" The mattress is heated and so is the blanket, so would you like shorts or boxers?" I asked as she turned around.

"Boxers, " she said as she looked around my closet.

" Why is everything heated on your bed?" She asked as my eyes went straight to her ass that was poking out.

The was barely covering it. She had a nice little fat ass. I could sleep on that thing. I smirked and made my way to my dresser.

" Well usually its like two or more in a bed, but since I have been sleeping alone I just got everything heated," I told her as I pulled out a pair of boxers..

"You have a lot of clothes, and everything is color coordinated," she said as she ran her hand across all my clothes.

" Have to stay organized," I said as I handed her the items.

She looked at me and smirked.

"I need a shirt Jordan," she said and smirked.

"Why?" I asked as I eyed her up and down and put my hands on my waist as she laughed.

"Just get out," she said and giggled as she pushed me out the closet.

I laughed and leaned against the wall.

" So I guess this means I will not be sleeping naked," I said.

"You can but I'm not," she said.

I chuckled and made my way to my bed. I need to rest for a few hours. Just until the sun goes down.  I heard her enter the room and the bed dip as she crawled under the covers and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as she cuddle into my body and placed her leg around my waist.

"Jordan," she said as I closed my eyes.


"I thought about it," she said as she placed her hand on my cheek.

"What have you decided?" I asked and looked at her.

"I think I want to be with you forever," she said as she stared me down.

I smiled and nodded and kissed her forehead. She giggled as I tickled her lightly.

"Okay. We will start the preparations," I said.

Unintentional Passion Where stories live. Discover now