Bringing Them Home, pt. 3

Start from the beginning

Liu almost collapsed to his knees but someone caught him. And it wasn't Jeff. It was his boyfriend, Xennon.


Abaddon had run ahead of EJ, refusing to walk next to him. He knew how to make the walk seem long, so he did. EJ didn't really speak much, and for some reason that upset Abaddon but he brushed it off as nothing. 

Walking was kind of boring and he wanted to bother EJ, but at the same time he liked the silence. He skipped a bit, purposely hiding every so often, and waiting until Abaddon knew EJ was panicking slightly before making his whereabouts known but jumping from the spot and skipping or running ahead. 

"Abaddon. Can you stop running off like that? I need to keep you in my sight in case the Rake decides to attack the child in your arms." EJ finally snapped, trying to keep Abaddon in his sight, which was difficult because of all the trees. 

"But you have no eyes? How can you see anything?" Abaddon asked before once again disappearing behind a cluster of trees. EJ groaned and pulled out his phone to call Masky. 

"Masky can you send Slender to our location... He's being a dick and being difficult." EJ sighed into the phone, Abaddon rolled his eyes from his perch in a tree, the child he was carrying silent, though looking like they wanted to giggle or laugh.

A burst of static energy startled both Abaddon and the child, who began crying at the strange sound and wouldn't calm down because of the static that sounded in their heads, something that Slenderman couldn't control. 

Yes Eyeless Jack? Slender's voice sounded in their heads. Abaddon climbed down from the tree and held the kid closer to his chest, he was half in sight and half not at the same time. 

"Abaddon was being difficult, found it easier to just call for you." EJ responded. Slenderman made some mental sound of acknowledgement before turning to Abaddon and simply staring at him. Abaddon shifted uncomfortably for a couple minutes, the cries of the child irritating him because he couldn't stop them from crying. 

Abaddon. Slenderman started. 

"I know I know. I'm supposed to follow EJ back to the mansion so you could talk to me about the child that is currently crying that I can't calm down." Abaddon quickly rushed in. 

I was going to say, You can keep the child but you need to figure out a name for them. Slenderman responded, his mental voice held a kind of amused tone to it, it startled EJ enough that he simply stared wide eyed(less) before Slenderman was gone in another burst of static, and the child began to calm down some. Abaddon sighed in relief and quickly 'disappeared' from EJ and made his way back to the mansion with out the eyeless being.

He has some shopping to do after he's slept and the child wasn't as tired or ragged looking.


Lake followed Abaddon back to the mansion, where he knew Slenderman waited. He wanted to walk slowly but Abaddon insisted on walking faster... for whatever reason. Lake glanced down at the child he held and cooed silently. 

The child looked up at him silently and blinked. Lake sighed and looked back up to watch where he was going. 

"Why were you at the pond?" Abaddon asked as they approached the normal meet up clearing. 

"I don't know." Lake responded quietly as he bounced the child lightly, trying to get them to laugh or giggle. 

"Are they even breathing?" Abaddon asked as he turned to look at the child. Lake looked up and nodded. 

"Yeah... But... It's kind of like mine. Shallow, like it's either not needed or they're trying to not be found by someone or something." Lake responded as they began to approach the house. Abaddon hummed but stayed quiet. 

Lake walked in and made a beeline for Slenderman's office, even though he still had time. He knocked and when the door opened, Lake slipped in and closed the door behind him. 

"Slenderman." Lake greeted. 

Lake. What have you found? Slenderman asked, keeping a polite tone in the slightly tense room. 

"The child was abandoned in a basket in a pond nearby." Lake responded, matching the polite tone. Slenderman nodded, and then noticed the complete silence of the child. 

Silent. I see... And you wish to take care of them? Slenderman asked, making a note of how silent the child was, and was just blankly staring at him, much like Mayhem does when nothings caught his attention or he was just thinking or spacing out.

"Yes." Lake responded, holding the child slightly closer to him then he already had been. 

Alright... You may. Have a good night, Lake. Slenderman told him. Lake nodded and quickly left the room and towards his own room.

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