Part 13

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The next part is the last ! Enjoy :) (no proof read)

Camila Cabello wasn't someone who got nervous very often. Even as a child she was often more excited than nervous. She always approached life with a calm and happy demeanor so usually no one and nothing was able to phase her. And now that she was grown with a career in the porn industry of all places that quality just transpired to her adult life.

She never got nervous, but as she stood in the walk in closest of her apartment trying on the sixth outfit in the past fifteen minutes you could say that she was for once actually nervous. She didn't know what to wear and the stuff she had was just pissing her off.

Her and Shawn were supposed to go on their first official date and the Canadian will be at her place in just two hours and she still didn't have a clue what she was going to wear. She even spent all of yesterday and early this morning shopping and getting her hair and nails done, but now that she was looking at one of the many outfits she bought she wasn't feeling her usual confident self.

It also didn't help that she had no idea where they were actually going, all Shawn told her was to dress comfortable and the more she asked for more details the more the Canadian declined.

She had gone through half of her shoes and her whole closet and still couldn't find anything to wear. She didn't want to wear tennis shoes because they were supposed to be having dinner and she didn't want to wear heels in case they did anything sport or had to walk a long distance. She was stuck.

This was their first date and sure it seemed like they may have been doing their relationship backwards with all the sex they were having on and off set, but she was really looking forward to this. She really liked Shawn and wanted this night to be perfect, and for that she would need to actually find an outfit.

"Fuck" the brunette muttered making her way to the large rack of clothes hanged in her closest. It was amazing that she couldn't possibly find one thing to wear, but her closest was the size of most people's bedrooms.

It was huge and had tons of jeans, shirts, skirts, dresses, and shoes all aligning the walls with her extensive jewelry collection in the middle of it. Sure there were things she hadn't worn yet and items with the tag still on them, but she always dreamed of having a large closest when she was growing up, and thanks to the money she met from working with Rachel she was able to obtain that dream before she was 25.

But now she was wishing that had stayed at the mall a little bit more, or possible visited some of the city's best boutiques because she was at a loss.

She wanted tonight to be more about sex and their careers. She wanted to get to know the Canadian better and if tonight ended up in sex then so be it, but she couldn't even figure out what shoes to wear.

She was ten seconds from just giving up and just faking an illness to get out from going when her phone started ringing. She huffed before making her way outside the bedroom and to her phone smiling when she saw the boy's picture pop up.

"Hey" she picked up. "I was just about to call you"

"I hope you weren't going to bail on me" Shawn teased although from the brunette's silence, he figured she was spot on with her assessment. "Okay and here I was joking" he added after a moment.

"It's not you!" Camila nervously confirmed. "It's just that I don't know what to wear" she confessed only to hear the Canadian's laughter in response.

"So you were going to miss our first date just because you couldn't find anything to wear" Shawn cracked up with a roll of his eyes. He doesn't know why women always had to make things so complicated. Camila could show up in s trash bag and he would be happy.

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