I nodded, amused " Heh. Are you kidding? It's brilliant. A little genocide, a long nap. What the hell, let's be explorers."

In front of the Cyro cabins. 

I looked at the cabin " Heh. I can't believe I'm saying this, but... are we sure? I mean, it is the rest of the human race after all."

Abby Looked at me"You sound like your father. Well, it's bigger than the tank on Eligius 3, but this is where it goes. Hand me the serum."

I eyed her worried "Just wait. Are you feeling ok? You look pale. Have you had any nosebleeds or memory flashes that aren't familiar?"

Abby shook her head "No. What are you talking about?"

I shrugged "Oh, it's something I saw in Mel's mindspace. Abby had the same neuromesh as she did. I thought they destroyed with an EMP, but-"

Russell nodded " They did. I examined her before resurrection. I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice."

I froze. 

Abby"Josephine... Give it to me."

I looked at her and stepped back before aiming a gun at them. 

Russell shook his head " No. No. Not Josie."

I shook my head "I can't let you kill these people. Believe it or not, I am sorry for your loss."

Then i ran away with the serum. 

In a corridor. 

I secured the rope around my middle. 

Suddenly i saw the guards.

They aimed a gun at me. 

A man " Don't move!"

I put a hand on the airlock lever "That far enough. I set the inner door to stay open when I pull this, so you can put the guns down, or you can float."

Abby aimed a gun at them before walking over to me " You heard her. Weapons down now."

I froze "Abby?"

Abby nodded " Yes. It's me."

Miranda asked confused "Simone, what are you doing?"

Jasmine " Ok, ok. We're doing it."

Abby "Mel , I've been pretending, too. Now let's lock them up and go save Madi. Don't move. Keep your hands where I can see them."

My voice cracked "what's my father's name?"

Abby "Kane"

Me "and his first name?"

Abby couldn't answer. 

I nodded, hurt  "okay"

Then i pulled the lever and everyone flew out of the airlock. 

i closed the airlock and sighed. 

In the mess. 

I walked in "Hello, ladies. Where's Madi?"

Gaia" Russel-- Russel took her."

I shook my head "no no no no"

Niylah" We'll get her back"

I shook my head "No. You don't understand. I killed his family, and now he's gonna kill her."

Gaia" I won't let that happen."

Madi, Russell and an army walked in. 

Indra" The demon awoke Wonkru."

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