Chapter 1- Y/N's POV

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A/N- This story has been co-written by two other people (jessicaharrisislife and itsjk05xoxo ) and the chapters will alternate with a number of different POVs (Y/N, Newt, Minho, Thomas, Gally, Chuck and Teresa).

Also, each chapter is written by a rotor of the three of us: jessicaharrisislife wrote this chapter , then I write the next, then itsjk05xoxo writes the one after that and the pattern repeats itself. This is why some chapters may be a lot longer than others because we all have different writing styles (e.g I write really long chapters lol).

Anyway, I hope I haven't scared you away with all that! We all hope you enjoy our story!

Pure and utter darkness. At first it felt like I was waking up from a dream; I had no concept of where I was or what I was doing or who I was-

Wait. I didn't know my own name? In fact I couldn't  remember anything at all. The realisation was dawning on me terribly, like a dark and cool wave of absolute terror. With my mind submerged in fear, I began to scream and cry for help like a baby. This was unlike me, I remembered-I needed to pull myself together quickly. I couldn't remember much but I knew I didn't give up that easily.

Gathering my thoughts, I swallowed my tears and put on a brave face as the intimidating machine I found myself in lurched upwards- the noise it made screeched in my ears and made thinking difficult. All I knew is that whoever I found myself facing needed to know I wasn't someone to be walked over.

Without warning, the machine stopped. I sat in silence, the only sound my heavy breath which came out of me involuntarily. Before I knew it the top of the machine opened and I found myself staring at dozens and dozens of boys. Damn, how could this possibly get weirder?

I don't know if it was the nerves or the pure delirious nature of my thoughts but I found myself unexpectedly yelling "surprise shawty!" at the crowd above me. Obviously, the looked at me like I was crazy. I laughed nervously underneath my breath; God, I've only been here less than a minute and they already hate me.

I gazed at the boys around me: a few in particular caught my eye. A tall boy around my age who's medallion hair shone in the beaming sun, an Asian boy with rippling muscles and a smirk on his face and another tall boy with cropped hair and very angular eyebrows.

The first boy, with a noticeably British accent said loudly "it's a girl?". Suddenly, the potential truth of the matter dawned on me: was I the only girl in this mysterious place?

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