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This is for ewthestraightness


Assigned name: Aadrik Iyengar. Chosen name: Akira (Iyengar ig)

Age: 16- is restricted a lot by age (plzzzzz)

Birthday: January 20 (Aquarius)

Gender: AMAB genderfluid  but he/they (your fave and my fave lol)

Sexuality: androsexual and Skoliosexual

Love interests: a homophobic bully who beats them up because he sees Akira's binder and packer for girls (like fake boobs) (for this time they uses both). They is protected by an amazing, tall, muscular, handsome pansexual white boy with a British accent and blue eyes (I did not describe will... okay maybe I did) who falls in love with them.

Face claim: idk what that is but if it's a person then Rakshan (or vj rakshan)

Stereotype: iced coffee, cuffed jeans, flannels, pastel gay. But isn't organized, doesn't do the weird hand waving thingy, and acts almost like a cishet.

Personality: super happy and calm. Laid back and neutral for most things. Secretly has a giant secret and is super powerful when they wants to be (pls use they but think of it as a he or a she so be singular)

家族: mom and her family are homophobic, dad is accepting but family is not (but they is not out yet).
Mom: ashiki Iyengar-not accepting. 42.
Dad: Roshan Iyengar-accepting. 44
Older brother: Sanjay Iyengar-accepting (out to him) 21
Older sister: thamarai iyengar-accepting (out to her) 19
Younger sister: Dwani iyengar-super smart so suspects but doesn't know (probably accepting). 14
Choose your own personality with the family.

Likes: winter, boys, enbies, sad songs, Japan, sticky rice, is always warm so the cold, white, food, 油揚げ, languages, baking, writing, art, and acting.

Dislikes: capsicum, cashews, egg whites, white rice, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, sports (except swimming and fencing), anything fizzy, MORE THAN FOUR TABS AND FOUR WINDOWS, video games, violence, topping, red meat, cruelty, heteronormativity.

Theme song: Idk drivers license...

Playlist: a mix of happy and sad but mostly sad.

Requests: make this character really likable and nice plz. Make them get the hot guy and I want a sex scene (unless ur asexual ass can't handle that). Also the emotional supplier and food supplier of the group. The silent person who doesn't come out of the shell but is still happy and cool. I think u get it. Also when they is sad make them sing drivers license and make everyone cry and find out about their gender and sexuality. And lots of misgendering. Lots of it.

Quotes: "the world works that way. People don't like what's different and want to get rid of it."

"As my extremely wise fifth grade math teacher once said..."

"The cIsHetS shouldn't know"

"You know, if someone actually thought about how they affected someone else then there would be no violence. Why can't people just live up to their potential?"

Password: #bringasexualelletothespotlight

Reason: stress at home; takes/took depression pills behind parents back, knows about mom's not accepting behavior, bullied, cries themself to sleep sometimes, wanted to escape the monotony of life.

Extra info: I think there's extra info everywhere.

Illegal? No.

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