
Start from the beginning

After that the student would act like Gon never existed.

Killua always had a mischievous glint in his eyes, some would say sinister. Everyone he threatened never spoke to anyone about it, mainly because of his family; they just did what he said and didn't look to Gon's direction.

Killua wanted Gon all to himself...and now he does...

Killua had picked him up in his own personal vehicle driven by his personal driver. The silverette smiled as Gon slid into the car, "I hope it's not too forward, but," Killua spoke nervously. "I got you these." He held out a small bouquet of sunflowers, Gon smiling widely upon seeing them.

"I love them," Gon is practically swooning, trying to hold himself together, still processing that he was going on a date with the person he's been in love with for so many years now. "I feel bad, I was so nervous I forgot to get you something..."

Killua smiled, gesturing the driver to start driving, "Don't be sorry, I was the one that asked you out and I wanted to surprise you."

"Where are we going?" Gon asked, eyes sparkling with wonder and anticipation.

"It's a surprise." Killua smirked, Gon feeling small under the other's gaze, fidgeting with his sweater paws.

Gon's eyes were glowing when he looked up, seeing all the lights, "I've never been to a carnival before." He was so giddy, and Killua felt proud.

The silverette knew everything about Gon, everything- he knew Gon loved sunflowers, he also knew that Gon had never been to a carnival before; he needed to make sure that he'd win over Gon's heart with this date.

Killua buys their tickets, leading them to some of the booths. Gon is practically beaming, one thing he's always loved, besides Killua, were stuffed animals and once again, Killua already knew.

Killua approaches one booth that seemed to be based off of basket ball where you had to throw the ball into a goal with a robotic dummy moving back and forth- trying to make you miss-, "What prize do you want?" He asked the giddy shorter brown eyed boy.

Gon smiled, "The cat one." He pointed to the medium sized white cat plushie pinned up on the side.

"Done." Killua handed two tickets to the tender and threw the basket ball into the goal three times in a row, successfully avoiding the moving guard.

"Congratulations, here's your prize." The tender spoke monotonously, handing over the desired cat plushie. Gon took hold of the plushie with greedy hands, completely happy, "Thank you, Killua!"

"It was nothing." Killua pridefully shrugged off. "What do you think about roller coasters?"

"I've never been on one." Gon responded a bit shy.

"Well, we're about to change that." Killua pulled the smaller boy towards one of the lines for the roller coaster.

After a while when the two got off, Gon was a bit dazed; not only because of the speed and adrenaline from the roller coaster, but because his and Killua's hands were still interlocked from the ride. Killua saw that Gon was a bit jittery when they got into their seats and restraints, so he took the initiative and held Gon's hand, hoping to calm him down.

That did anything but calm the boy down. Gon wasn't prepared for such a move, he's always dreamed about being this close to Killua and if he were honest he was wondering if this was all another dream.

"Are you okay?" Killua asked, genuinely concerned.

Gon looked up at him with wide eyes, "Oh, yes, of course," He was scared he was holding onto the silverette's hand for too long and was going to make a move to let go, but felt Killua's grip only become tighter. "I just d-didn't expect it to be so...surprising."

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