"Well, I hope you both lose," Dean said. "But good luck."

"So, you know what you gotta do now, right?"

"Let me guess," Meg stated. "You're gonna tell me."

"Work with us."

"Whoa, what?" Dean and Francesca protested.

"We'll hand you Crowley with a bow. On one condition: we come with you and you help us wring a little something out of him before you hack him to bits."

"What?" Meg asked.

"Doesn't matter. Question is, can you get us what we need?"

"I apprenticed under Alastair in Hell just like your brother. So Dean, can I make Crowley do whatever I want?"

"Yeah, she can," Dean replied.

"It's a deal then. Hugs and puppies all around!"

"You gonna untie us?" Francesca questioned.

"Please. Don't pretend you don't enjoy it."

"I could send you so far down to Hell you'd never return. Let. Me. Go."

Meg turned to leave and one of her companions walked up to Dean, staring intently at him.

"You gonna kiss me?" Dean asked. "I'm a taken man."

Meg called back over her shoulder to the demon. "Come on!"

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Sam inquired.

"I mean, what are you doing?"

"Dean, you and Frankie have both wanted to screw over Crowley. Merry Christmas. What?"

"You wanna work with a demon again?"

"We're working with demons now. I'm doing this because I wanna stop."

"She killed Ellen and Jo!" Francesca yelled.

"I know. But you two can't look at this emotionally, Dean, Frankie. We need her."

"The hell we do! That bitch is gonna screw us over so fast-"

"Of course. Which is why we'll screw her first. Meg and her little posse are dead the second we're done with them."

"Yeah, if they don't kill us," Dean muttered.

"They won't. 'Cause we're bringing insurance."


Sam was trying to call the angel. "Castiel, we need you. It's important." He got nothing. "Cas, we found something. It's this gold box. Apparently Nazis were after it back in the day someone open it and heir face melted off. I think it's - ready for this - the Ark of the Covenant. Yeah. So..."

"I'm here, Sam," Castiel said. "Where is the box?"

"I can't believe you fell for that. That was the plot of Raiders, idiot."

"I'm mid-battle, Sam."

"I could give a rat's ass about your little pissing match with Raphael."

"Listen to me, Sam-"

"I'm sorry, do you think we're here to talk this out?"

"Sam, I can't just-"

"If you don't help us, I will hunt down and kill you."

"Will you, boy? How?"

"I don't know yet. But I will look until I find out, and I don't sleep."

"You need help, Sam."

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