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You released a silent scream as you were kicked and dragged out of the house by your adopted father, Kane. "You can sleep outside tonight!" He snapped, before slamming the door and locking it. Why was he mad? Well, apparently you poisoned his dinner by adding thyme, which he was allergic to, to his meal. Apparently he didn't know the difference between thyme and rosemary. You sat up slowly and painfully. You might have a broken ribs or two. It really freaking hurts. You moved one hand to your hurting chest while the other checked inside your [F/C] hoodie. It was gone. Stars, it was to cold for this. It would be winter soon and all you were wearing was your hoodie, [F/S] sweat pants, and a pair of socks. You looked up at the stars. Your head lowered as your eyes landed on the one and only Mt. Ebbot. You struggled to your feet and started walking. You weren't needed here anymore. There was no point in sticking around.

Up you went, cold and feeling pretty worthless. You feet hurt from stepping on things in the woods, though they were starting to numb from the cold. So was your chest. You puffed air into your hands and rubbed them together. You panted silently, from the workout you were receiving, climbing this thing. Finally, you made it to the top. You wanted to cheer at your success. You couldn't though, instead you went looking about for a shelter. Or a peaceful place to freeze to death. Either way worked. After a bit of wandering, a cave was found. You explored it, wondering how stone could be such a beautiful shade of purple. Or how it was purple at all. They say that the people that climb up never come back. They say monsters live in the mountain, preying on the humans that came up. Some say they are trapped here, waiting. Waiting to be liberated. There's been so many stories about the mountain, but you didn't care. This would either be your salvation or your death. You weren't going back. You didn't know why you hadn't left sooner. Looking at the purple ceiling, you weren't paying attention to where you were walking. You didn't notice the giant hole in front of you. Not until you stepped only to be met with nothing. Then you were falling. You opened your mouth, but the scream never left.

You were hurting again, but it was more of a dull throb. You'd landed on something.. soft? You pushed yourself up to see what you landed on. They were lush, golden flowers, blooming big and bright. They'd cushioned you. You sighed silently and looked around. You'd fallen a long, LONG way down. In the corner of the room was doorway. No way. Could the legends about monsters be real? You stood up on wobbly legs only to fall back down upon hearing a voice. "Howdy.. partner."
"..." You looked around for the source. "You won't find me. I'm not physical." It is a ghost? "Wanna make a deal?" Nope. No way. Nuh-uh. You have seen enough to know never to make deals with invisible entities. You shook your head. "No?" You shook you head again. "W E L L T O B A D !" You wanted to scream again as your chest started to burn. What was happening?! Was it FORCING itself into you!? Make it stop! Make It Stop! MAKE IT STOP!

You didn't have control. It had control. It was using you to kill. You didn't- You weren't a murderer. You fought for your life, fought for control. You wouldn't let them win! So while you managed to spare some, they managed to kill others. It went on and on like this until you made it to a house. The owner of the house was a friendly goat monster with sharp horns, blonde hair, and hoof like feet. When the thing in control tried to end him, you wouldn't let the knife they found come down. "No you don't demon!" You fled out the doors before he could say or do anything.

You dropped to you hands and knees in the... snow? How- you know what never mind. You had more pressing matters like what in stars name was that thing?! How long could you hold it back before it took control again? How could you get rid of it? Where were you? You pushed yourself up, brushing snow off your sweats. You stuffed your hands in you pocket and started walking, looking around. You sighed shakily and stepped over a thick looking branch. Only to hear a loud snap from behind and see that it was destroyed. You were going to die, weren't you? Any more scares like the fall, the demon thing, or that and you would. When you thought you saw a tall shadow standing all menacing in the trees, you had enough and dropped again. Curling into a fetal position, you decided to just except the fact that life absolutely hated you with a passion. The snow crunched beneath the weight of the monster as he approached, stopping when it was right in front of you. Then it crouched. "hey, kid. you ok?" It held a hand out to you.

Take it?

Leave it?

Surprise! I made it a neutral run! I never really thought of a choice for neutral, it's only ever been predator (genocide) or prey (pacifist). Since Wild Soul was a Prey timeline and Instinct was a predator timeline, I decided this should be my neutral. Enjoy and have a great morning/afternoon/night!


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