The Cold In The Shadows

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On this day it was a cold December night. Christmas was coming up and the storm the other night had passed. The only thing that was haunting them in the shadows was Ophiuchus. He could make anyone change their side from good to bad. He could convince them with little evidence. Compulsion was the power he had along with another. Ophiuchus can make one obey his command until he says otherwise.

Sports have come to an end for Scorpio and Leo. Same for Aquarius and Libra. Libra wants to try out for karate, she's very skilled in it. Cancer is supposed to be done, but she keeps telling her friends she has boxing. Virgo still writes for the school paper, and Pisces is still in the art club. Gemini starts soccer in February. Sagittarius has picked up the hobby of pranking people. Taurus still cooks for everyone. Capricorn started to watch more crime or horror things late at night. Aries has started to smoke more to pass his time.

"Damn it's cold" I flicked my cigarette out in the snow. I walked back into the empty house.
"Why isn't Virgo home" I groaned
"Who said I wasn't home" I could smell her just couldn't see her
"Butterfly where are you!" I shouted through the house. I made my way to the top of the stairs

"I'm right here!" She became not invisible anymore and stood in front of me.
"Shit! You scared me" I grabbed onto her to help me balance
"Hehe sorry" after I steddyed myself I brought her into a hug
"I missed you" I whispered to her
"I wanna watched a movie with you" she pleaded

So that's what we did. She turned on princess and the frog which secretly is my favorite Disney princess movie.

I decided I wanted to watch Princess and the Frog. I knew he secretly liked this movie, but I won't ruin his ego. As I was into the movie I felt a cold hand on my thigh. Aries made me jump at his touch. He was cold, but I was warm. He nestled his head into my neck.

"Virgo your not going to leave me like my dad or-or..."
He seemed upset at was he was trying to say next
"Ari I'll never leave you. Your the most precious thing I have" he looked up to me with teary eyes
"I love you. I'll love you forever" he pulled me into a kiss and kissed me slowly
"I love you too" I smiled against his lips

He's everything I've ever wanted. My step sister Valerie always told me I would never be enough. When I see her again I'm going to tell her just how much she was wrong.

Me, Capricorn, and Scorpio left to find some Christmas gifts. Even though Scorpio hasn't asked Cancer to be his girlfriend. Capricorn wants to get Pisces something memorable. For me I have no fucking idea I know what your think "you don't know! Your so fucking stupid!" Like shut up! I know I am, I love her. I just don't know what she'll love.

"I think I'm going to get her a promise ring" Capricorn was blushing from embarrassment
"Aww man that's sweet! Don't be embarrassed" I patted his back
"You don't think it's sudden?"
"Nah man, she will love it. I promise" Scorpio said with no expression
"Your not to convincing" Cap scratched his neck
"Sorry I was just thinking about something" before we could answer he spoke again "I'll find you guys later"
"Oookay...well let's find our things" I led Capricorn to the nearest jewelry store.

Capricorn looked around while I looked for some ideas. I know she likes to look pretty, she always wears that one necklace. Maybe I could get her a locket with our favorite picture with each other.

I decided to get her a silver heart locket with jewels on the outside

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I decided to get her a silver heart locket with jewels on the outside. I engraved it with Gemini & Libra forever.

"Last name?" The cashier asked
"Griffin" strange
"Okay it will be ready tomorrow" she smiled and waved me off

As Gemini went to customize his locket I went to look for a promise ring. She was a size 5 don't ask how I know it's embarrassing. As I walked around longer it seemed more impossible. That's when I spotted the brunnera flowers ring. It was perfect and matched her tattoo on her left hip. She says the color of that flower is her favorite, but she told me she has it to cover up her scar.

"I'll take this" I looked up at the elderly women"Ahh it's beautiful she'll love it" she smiled widely at me as she handed me my bag"You think" "Of course son" she waved bye as I step out the store with Gemini waiting for me outside

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"I'll take this" I looked up at the elderly women
"Ahh it's beautiful she'll love it" she smiled widely at me as she handed me my bag
"You think"
"Of course son" she waved bye as I step out the store with Gemini waiting for me outside

"So where's Scorpio" I said walking to Gemini
"He said he was tired and just headed home since we were taking forever" Gemini shrugged his shoulders
"I guess I know what he means it is...damn 10pm" I yawned looking at the time
"He stays us late though" Gemini said
"I don't know maybe he really was tired"

I turned my car on and drove off. During the car ride me and Gemini didn't talk much. We were pretty done with the day. When we arrived home I checked to make sure Scorpio made it home, sure enough he was passed out in bed. I found Pisces also passed out in my room.

"Sorry bunny" I kissed her head, making her stir. I put some shorts on and left my shirt off. I climbed in bed with her and wrapped her with my hands tight
"Mmm Cap I missed you" she said in a raspy voice
"Me too. Now go back to sleep"
"Mhm okay" she instantly fell back asleep

Ugh I can't sleep. I was wide awake staring up at my chandelier. I looked at the clock on the side of my bed and it showed it was 12:00am.

Whatever, I'm going to go on a run. I wondered downstairs, making sure to open the door quietly. Why did I pick to go on a run! I'm freezing my ass off out here. There's just something cold about the shadows tonight.

"Caaancer" damn my mind is playing tricks on me
"Who's out there! Come on! I'm not a pussy come the fuck out!" I turned in a circle looking around for someone or something. Someone rushed around and pushed me to the ground having a hold of my neck. They dug their fingers into my throat.
"Ah Cancer Callisto your going to do exactly what I tell you to"
"Yes Ophiuchus"
"You're going to..."

Mmm. Mmm.

"Cancer!" Fuck why did I have that dream. I know she's sleeping. She wouldn't go on a night.

Ugh fuck it I'll check on her. I crept out of my room and walked up the hall to her room. I really hope she's all curled up in bed looking beautiful as always.

"God if something happens to the lo-" that's when I noticed her sheets were messy, and her pillows tossed. Damn it I need to find her. I went out the front door, and was hit with a major headache. I fell to my knees gripping my head.

"Ah what is this!" She's at the bridge what for.
"Ugh, make it stop!" I tried standing up and going to the bridge I saw in my vision. A voice in my head said you're going to do what you've been dying to do since you got here. Who's been dying to do something since they got here.

When I arrived I saw her. Her platinum blond hair swayed in the cold night breeze. The moon lit up her amber eyes. Her fair skin glistened in the moonlight. She stood on the railing of the bridge, her back to the water. I could see blood dripping from her fingertips.

"Is this how you felt kitty"

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