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~Virgos POV~
"It will be okay"

I said to Aries last night. He brought me into a hug. I'm not the biggest fan of hugs, but I felt safe in his arms. I only hoped he felt safe in mine.

I woke that morning to the smell of breakfast being made. I hopped in the shower because I didn't have a chance last night with comforting Aries. I put white jeans on and a cropped emerald green shirt.

"You Fucking burned me!" Taurus shouted from the kitchen
"It's not my fault you were in my Goddamn way" Cancer grabbed the hot skillet and flipped the pancakes

Those two should probably not be in the kitchen together. We might end up with a finger in our food. I laughed at their idiocy. I saw Cancer flash me a grin and I decided it was best to just walk faster.

"Wait! Virgo!" Cancer grabbed my arm "do you think this is bad?" She then dragged Taurus over
"Well I'll be damned that looks like it hurts" I nodded my head at them "we can get Pisces when she wakes up to come look at it"
"What! I don't want to wait that long" Taurus wined
"Grow up you big baby" Cancer rolled her eyes at him

I decided to slip out when they were back to arguing. I went into the living room and stretched out on the couch. I turned the tv on and clicked through channels. I found myself watching a kids show, it was called the regular show. I fell back asleep for only like 10 minutes though. I felt a heavy body sit down on my legs.

"Hey..." I opened my eye to see a mopey Aries laying on me
"Hi how are you?" I tried to not cry in pain from his massive body on me
"Oh okay I guess I have to go to see her today. I'll also have to arrange the funeral sense my dad won't." He sounded like he hadn't slept at all.
"Would you like company to go with you?" I cocked my head at him and he simply just shook his head no. "Well then...will you PLEASE GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I shouted at him. I could no longer feel my legs.
"Oh right I forgot I was laying on you..." Aries got up and laughed, he helped me off the couch. We found ourselves in the kitchen with breakfast done.

~Aries POV~
The smell of bacon, pancakes, and eggs filled my nose. Taurus and Cancer cooked for us. Me and Virgo were the only other ones up. I mean I see why it's like 8:39 in the morning.

"...Aries dumbass you listening?" Cancer raised her eyebrow at me
"Huh. Oh um yeah of course I am"
"Whatever. I said could you and V wake the others up"
"Yeah me and Aries can do that" Virgo looked at me and cocked her head and smiled at me.

I don't see Cancer as a friendly person. So if she makes it through our first day of college I'm impressed. Virgo and I headed up the staircase to the rooms. On the left were the girls, starting from Aquarius, Pisces, Mini, Virgo, Cancer, and to Libra. The right were the boys, starting from Scorpio, Me, Capricorn, Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius and to Gemini. Virgo woke the girls up and I woke up the guys.

"SHUT UP I'M SLEEPING ARIES!" Leo yelled from his room
"If you don't come down dipshits I'm eating all of the food" Cancer yelled from downstairs
"No, I'm hungry!" Pisces hurried out of her room and down stairs

Behind her was a giggling Virgo. She looks so angelic with the morning sun hitting her from above. The hall was lit with sunlight from the sun roof. She turned her head to me, it felt as if time had stopped.

"Come or we will miss out!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me down the stairs with her.

We sat along the shattered looking table top. With beautiful gold chairs seated around. Taurus had an apron on saying kiss the chef.

"what are you wearing Taurus" Sagittarius grabbed some food and chuckled
"What? It says kiss the chef" Taurus looked around
"Yeah I see that? But why?" Sagittarius looked at him
"My mom used to wear it...before she died" Taurus looked down, he looked hurt.

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