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Waiting at the door, wanting to hear the jingle of the keys in the door. That's what I wished would happen, but my parents don't come home very often my dad's out selling drugs in the alley. Getting drunk with people having sex with girls non stop. The worst part is that he was a wife, he just forgets about her. My mom comes home at times she's just working all the time to keep the house up and making sure I have food and water. Makes me feel sick. They act like I'm some "Pet Dog". When my dad does come home he's usually drunk as fuck and beast the shit out of me at times. I'm scared of being alone. I know how cowardly that is of me, but no one ever sticks around long enough for me to show them that I'm different. That I'm not like my parents at all. Sure I've done drugs and stupid shit, I smoked or I should say I still do, but not as much as I used too. I do it as something to calm me down kinda like a getaway thing.

I sat in my bed just looking out the window hoping to see one of my parents cars just magically pull into the driveway. You know hope is kind of a shitty thing to believe in these days. I called up some of my buddies to see if they wanted to come hang a bit before my mom comes home from work. They said sure so I'm currently waiting for them to pull into the driveway. I heard a knock on the door, and instantly ran to the door to open it.

"Yo Aries my man how are you?" Zach said shaking my hand and pulling me in for a bro hug.
"I'm fine, is Cole bringing the booze?"
"Yeah I think, he should be here soon I think."
Ding dong
"I got it" Zach said lunging at the door handle
"Aye my man cole come on in"
"Sup guys!" Cole said cheerfully
I was in the kitchen trying to get a few snacks together before we headed to my room. My room is in the basement, it's actually pretty nice down there.
"Alright guys you ready to go play some games!" I greeted Cole with a wave
"LET'S DO THIS!" We said in unison

So that's what we did. We played on my PlayStation 5 and just played some random games really. They ended up just staying the night since it seemed like neither of my parents were coming home tonight. We drank some beer and honestly got wasted last night. I woke up to a rustle upstairs and slowly opened my eyes to look around. It seemed like the guys left this morning to go to baseball practice. I crept up the stairs to see who came home. I saw my mom in the kitchen making some coffee and lunch.

"Hey Ari you slept late it's 11:30" my mom said raising an eyebrow
"Oh yeah, haha I kinda had the boys over last night and drank a bit too much." I tried telling her
" got a letter to go live at Dark Wood College for 4 years. And you're not arguing your way out of this. It will be good for you, to meet new people and maybe come back with a girlfriend!" Mom exclaimed
"Mo-Mom STOP I don't like talking about my love life with you." I tried to say without blush creeping on my face
"Okay okay just go pack you leave at 7:20 tomorrow!"

So that's what I did, I packed. And as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out. I got up showered and threw clothes on. When I came up I was greeted with a smiling mom, but no dad. Which I'm not mad about by the way he's a dick. I kissed my mom bye and hopped on the bus and saw two ladies with blue hair already seated down. I suppose I was the third stop.
My head was pounding, the room was spinning and my ears were ringing. My dad is the only one in the picture. My mom well she's dead my father killed her and somehow passed it off as a suicide. He threatened to beat the shit out of me everyday if I told them the truth. Dad beats me every night when he comes home from working at the bar. Blaming me for stuff I've never done in my entire life. Once I-I had a guy over and I had feelings for him and I knew he liked me back. So I leaned in and kissed him, my dad ended up walking in on us. He threw the poor kid out and beat me, slamming me against the window. Busted up my face pretty bad, he yelled at me telling me "My Genes Are Messed Up". I've tried multiple times to kill myself but somehow I always get yanked back into reality. Some people make me want to stay strong and just fight. Like my mom she's watching over me I know I can do it for her.

I received a letter from an elite school called Dark Wood College. I've always wanted to attend, but it's been pretty selective to who they accept into the school. The only problem I have is convincing my father to let me go. There is just something telling me he'll be glad to get rid of his "Mistake" of a son. I decided to prepare Italian food aka my most famous spaghetti and meatballs with homemade garlic bread. I decided on this because it's my father's favorite and I know he will be in a good mood if I ask him during dinner. I won't lie my armpits were sweating so bad sitting at the table waiting for my father to arrive. I suddenly heard the handle of the garage door open and I could've sworn my heart beat stopped. I heard him kick oh his work shoes and throw his wallet down on the floor.

"Taurus...What is this" he hissed under his breath
"I just wanted to make your favorite father, I know how much you love it." I whispered yelled
"N-No of course not I-I just really wanted to ask a question about this college that wants to accept me!" I hissed back
"I don't care what you fucking do as long as I don't see your ass around here I'm more then willing to let you go!!" He said "get over here son! NOW!"

I moved from my chair and ever so softly walked over to him. Yeah...he beat me again and again. It was worse this time, he took his belt off and started whipping me with it. Once he finished he kicked me in the side and walked out the door. I just curled into a ball and cried. I was so weak I had no strength today to fight back with him. I waddled to my room and slammed my door and just collapsed on the floor in pain.
I couldn't hold it anymore. Tears just flowed like a river down my cheeks. I took a cold shower to cool me down and wash all of the blood off of me. As soon as I was done I went to bed, to rest my mind and my eyes. I got up and packed my things, I waited downstairs for the bus to pull up. Before seeing getting on the bus I put my headphones on and turned my music up to tune the world out. When I reached the bus I saw two girls and one male. Making me the fourth stop out of the 12.

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