Day Before Party

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~No ones POV~
It's been about two months since the zodiacs have arrived and started school. They all seemed to get along pretty well. Some get to know each other better and closer. Others became more distant. It was currently Friday after school and they just got invited to lynx and Lyra's party. The party is tomorrow.

"Ugh football practice was rough" Leo said trying to stretch
"Try soccer, then you'll know real pain" Gemini said spread out across the couch
"Whatever I don't see you playing football" Scorpio hit him upside the head
"Well I couldn't even imagine boxing" Leo got up
"Wha- oh, yeah" Scorpio seemed flustered

"Does someone have a little crush" Sagittarius said coming from the kitchen. Scorpio gave him a death stare "guess not" Sag smiled
"Are you sure you're not the one with a crush" Taurus said sneaking up behind him
" of course not" Sagittarius said rolling his eyes

Aries walked in from the stairs. He pushed Gemini off the couch to make room for himself.

"Hey jackass" Gemini was glaring at Aries
"Sorry, no room for you" Aries started laughing hard
"Yep no room for you either Aries" Capricorn jumped on Aries and pushed him off
"The hell" Aries said out of breath. Gemini was now cracking up. "Not funny"
"Oh, but it is" Gemini said crying

On the other hand the girls were all spread out. Cancer was still at boxing practice. Pisces is in an after school club for art. Virgo is at an interview trying to get onto the school newsletter. On the other hand Mini is also at an interview, but for a big fashion company. Libra and Aquarius went to the mall to look around and pass time. They were hoping to make the swim team.

"So any other questions?" Virgo asked
"Nope your hired" the tall boy said
"Thank you, thank you!" Virgo ran out and jumped up and down

"Oh I should go tell Cance the good news" she said out loud. Virgo got into her car and drove over to the boxing building. The door was unlocked and Virgo walked in.

"FUCK!" Virgo was stunned by the sudden outburst
"Fine! You win this time" Cancer was pinned down by a strawberry blond haired boy.
"Thank you" he helped Cancer up
"Oh hey V!" Cancer waved bye to Draco and left the ring

Cancer got dressed and met Virgo outside. They walked to Virgos car in silence.

"I got the job" V said opening the door
"That's good!" Cancer said happily

Mini was also accepted to her job. She would be starting on Thursday. She makes designs for the company. She might occasionally have her friends modal for her. Virgo and Cancer also picked up Pisces from the art club.

"Look who's back" Leo said sarcastically
"Oh will you look at's the dick, oh wait he probably doesn't even have one" Cancer rolled her eyes, her gaze was met with a pair of grey eyes. She quickly went upstairs.

"Sorry about her, she was beaten in her boxing practice" Virgo shrugged
"I assume she's not used to losing" Pisces said coming from the doorway
"Oh...well I'm tired see you later guys" Scorpio said getting off the couch quickly and making his way to his room.

"Eh-okay then" Capricorn shrugged his shoulders
"What a strange man" Taurus took Scorpios seat

Meanwhile at the mall Aquarius and Libra were getting their nails done. Before that they had a massage.

"God I'm so nervous" Libra said turning her head to Aquarius
"Same. I thought they were supposed to email by now" Aquarius looked back down to her nails "Well you nails are looking good" Aquarius added
"Ha thanks!"

About 20 minutes later they paid and left the nail place. They were currently waiting outside of the mall for the email.


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