Bus Update 2

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So we have finally met everyone. The seven that already introduced themselves, talked among the six of them. Cancer as always was just resting her eyes. The other six just quietly sat in their seats well except Leo. He kept trying to flirt with Aquarius, but he didn't seem to make much of a dent.

"You hostile being! Why do you have to act like such a dick!" Virgo growled at Scorpio
"How can I be hostile? You don't even know my name" he said with his eyes still closed
"Blah blah blah I don't want to know it!" Virgo rolled her eyes and shifted her body
"Well the names Scorpio for future reference of course" he cracked his neck and shifted his gaze to the still being next to him.
"Yeah whatever it's Virgo for your information" she took a glance around the bus and realized that everyone was watching them.
"Uhhh hello everyone!" She was hesitant about what to say
"Well you know what let's go around and say names one more time!" Pisces chirped "my name is Pisces!"
"I'm Aquarius"
"Hi! Gemini"
"Hi guys! My name is mini!"
"The names Aries"
"Hi my name is Taurus!"
"Yo the names Leo"
"Hi everyone I'm Virgo!"
"Sup, I'm Scorpio the one and onl-"
"Yeah yeah...I'm cancer"

Once again the bus was silent. They were all in their own worlds. Looking out the window, looking at their phones, or simply some were just staring at certain people! (Wink Wink ;)

"You know it's weird to stare at people right?" Cancer said shifting her gaze from her phone to the three people around her.
"Well, you see I just wanted to ask something?" Leo said ruffling his hair
"Okay-" cancer raised an eyebrow at the now standing Leo
"I'm like TOTALLY HOT right? There's not something on my face? Like all girls fall at my feet."
"For one you have nothing on your face. For two why the HELL ARE YOU SHOUTING!" Virgo answered before Cancer had a chance.
"Pfft look who's shouting now..." Leo grumbled softly
"You guys are annoying as hell!" Scorpio glared at them.

While Virgo tried to keep her calm, and argue with Leo at the same time. Scorpio tried talking to Cancer and to see if she would open up.

"Cancer was it?"
"Yep that's me the one and only" she turned her head to meet his eyes. She knew what she was trying to do, but for him he was oblivious.
"So...what's got you wearing a hoodie in late August? He didn't really know how to start the conversation so he went with what came to mind
"It's cold. Like you said it's late August...Sweater weather" she said plainly
"Haha more like hoodie weather!" He smiled at her and finally got her to crack one too. "You sure are one of a kind" Scorpio smirked at her.

Cancer got up and hopped in the seat he was sitting in. She pushed him against the window, and smirked at him. While inside Scorpios heart was racing, he was getting flashbacks from his home. He closed his eyes tightly, but soon reopened them to meet Cancers amber eyes. She lowered herself to his ear where he could feel her breath on his neck.
"You look hot in this position, all the bad things i could do to you" she whispered in his ear. She took her index finger and traced his jawline. She then found her way up to his lips, and tapped them lightly. She sat up and went back to her seat and closed her eyes. He just simply stared at her with blush on his cheeks.

"Quite the lady she is." Leo said looking over his seat at Scorpio
"Damn you scared me! I would say. Whoa wait a minute...did you see anything?" Scorpio said while trying to hide his face
"You mean the awkward conversation you had? Then yes, yes I did" Leo plopped back down in his seat.
"Thank god it was only that" Scorpio whispered to himself

We're brought back to the middle half of the bus. They seem to be having a good conversation.

"YOU guys have watched tvd? YOU GUYS?" Libra questioned
"...yeah? I mean who hasn't!" Taurus added
"Clearly not us!" Capricorn rolled his eyes
"I think Caroline was the best female." Aries said pointing in the air
"Um no Katherine is the best" Libra said pushing Aries finger down
"We can all agree that Elena was a crybaby" Capricorn said softly
"Ageed!" They all said in unison
"Also Stefan and Bonnie deserved much more!" Taurus gasped

They continue to talk about the vampire diaries for a good 10 more minutes. Libra decided to start flirting with Capricorn. Capricorn being the "playboy" decided to play along, he got bored on the bus. Taurus, and Aries were in their own conversation.

"You know I would love you inside me sometime" Libra said winking at Capricorn
"Ohh is that so..." he smirked at her
"Yeah in my dreams! God get your head out of the gutter" Libra said rolling her eyes and laughing
"Damn you sneaky bastard!" Capricorn said
"I know! I'm great!" Libra said flipping her hair
"God you guys are disgusting!" Aries said while making fake gagging noises
"Haha so funny" Capricorn said rolling his eyes
"Just leave them alone" Taurus implied

Now up in front the five of them weren't really talking. They just glazed at the others having their own conversations.

"So you two? Are you twins?" Sagittarius asked
"We sure are!" Gemini answered
"Yep! The best twins you'll ever see" Mini added while fist bumping Gemini
"Wow. You guys seem to get along pretty well" Pisces said
"Sure do!" The twins said in unison. The three others just stared at each other in disbelief.
"Well anywho Sagittarius tell us more about yourself" Aquarius asked the boy
"Oh well I don't really want to get into my family life right now. Though i will say I do enjoy some good pranks!" Sagittarius answered while scratching his head
"Yeah I understand the whole not wanting to talk about our family life" Pisces said while turning to look out her window
"Mmhm" the other three said
"Well I'm so ready to see the pranks you have set for us!" Gemini added

They ended their conversation not too long after that. Gemini, Aquarius, and Pisces were all asleep. Their trip wore them out quite a bit. After all it was another hour and a half till they got to school. Sagittarius was staring and Aquarius, but unknowingly of course. Mini had noticed this.

"Does sag have a little crush!?" Mini said looking over the seat Sagittarius was sitting in
"What god no! What the hell are you even babbling on about anyways?" Sagittarius questioned
"You were so staring at Aqua" she giggled
"No Mini No! Plus I'm not even into girls!" Sagittarius grumbled to Mini. He immediately covered his mouth at just realizing what he said.
"No...way...me too!! Well not the not into girls part. I rather have a woman than a man any day!" Mini said while rubbing her neck
"OMG no way! Like we will get along so great!" Sagittarius replied
"Also no worries your secret is safe with me!" Mini said winking at Sagittarius

In no time the hour and half passed. They were soon about to show up to school. They would stop at school first to meet head master Orion. In a short 5 minutes they had arrived. Orion waited outside the entrance for the thirteen of them.

"No...fucking...way!!" Gemini gasped, so did the others once they saw the school.
"Hello students. Welcome to Dark Wood College!"
This is the school below

 Welcome to Dark Wood College!"——————————————————————————This is the school below

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