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Three years later

"Well, that's the last of it." Sam said as he left the nursery. Not his nursery, but Dean and Cas's.

"Thank you, Sam. We can't thank you enough." Cas said.

"Please," he scoffed. "You guys helped set up our nursery and helped us the whole move. It's the least we could do."

Dean was idly listening but more involved with his younger nephew Dean who was showing him how to stack blocks. Eileen was already pregnant again and she was not too happy about it, but she loved her son and the new girl they had on the way. Dean and Cas moved to Maine a few months ago when they talked about wanting a house. Dean got a job at a local garage to become a full time grease monkey, working on vintage cars for shows. Cas had started a job in writing 'fables' but Dean and every other hunter knew the stories Cas wrote were true. Castiel was a published author of the series he called Rebellion. Dean had read and purchased everyone of his books and still blushed like a virgin every time he read C. Winchester on the cover or see his name on the dedication page. They'd been married just two years now and couldn't be happier.

Jody officiated the wedding and Sam got to walk Dean down the isle which made him cry. Dean remembers it like it was yesterday. How nice the ocean was, toes in the sand. Cas, the most beautiful thing there despite the view of the ocean or sunset. They even have a picture, right in the living room of the kiss they shared on their wedding day. Cas had been shocked when Dean said he wanted it in the living room and simply responded with: "I want everyone to know that I'm the luckiest man alive to have an angel like you for a husband... plus look at your ass in that suit." Cas had flicked him in the ear for that but smiled happily none the less. Sam and Eileen still went on hunts and Cas and Dean gladly baby sat when they went to take on a vamp nest or take care of a salt n' burn.

But all that taking care of Dean Jr. made Dean and Castiel realize how nice it was to have a child around. How fulfilling it was. So they got on a waiting list for an adoption agency, who said they were more than happy to help them start a family.

So, Sam and Eileen came over to help set up the nursery... Well, Sam helped. Eileen bought all the cute clothes and toys once they found out they were adopting a baby girl.

"Well, I think we should head to the motel. It's getting late." Sam yawned. "Plus we got to be up early tomorrow to see your baby girl."

Dean couldn't wipe the smile off his face or calm the butterflies in his stomach. He never thought an apple pie life was in the cards for him. But he actually does have a white picket fence and Miracle and now he's going to have a kid. He still can't wrap his mind around the fact that in less than fourteen hours he and Cas are going to be parents. Fathers.

"Yeah. My backs killing me too." Eileen said sitting up off the couch.

"Oh cause you did so much heavy lifting." Sam smirked. Eileen signed "fuck you" and everyone laughed.

"You be nice to your wife, kids are tough. I know how heavy little Dean is." Dean said ruffling his nephews hair. Sam leaned in and kissed Eileen in apology before they cleaned up Deans Jr.'s toys. They gave their hugs goodbye as Sam and Eileen left. Dean turned back to Cas after closing the door and wrapped him in a hug. So many words were spoken with the silent gesture. They went off to bed and Dean scooter back into Cas's chest as his husband held him close with a hand over his heart. Just when Dean thought he was about to fall asleep Cas spoke softly to him.

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