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"Kelly?" Cas asked. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in heaven."

"Jack... he's rebuilding things. He sent me back." She answered. "I don't know what's going on with him though. He seems... different."

"Different how?" Dean asked.

"Like he's grown up for one. Almost like he's numb. He forced me to come back here while he finished his work."

"Kelly, where is Jack now?" Cas asked.

"Some place called... Empty? He'd been working, trying to rebuild heaven. So everything is conjoined. And then he said he had to save his father. From the empty."

"Lucifer?" Cas asked shock in his voice.

"No... I think he meant you."

"Kelly, is he in the empty now?" Sam asked. She nodded solemnly.

"He said he had to put it to rest. Said that he had prayers he needed to answer."

"Well, we need to stop him." Dean said seriously. "Obviously you're back, so Jack is just walking into a death trap."

"Kelly, you stay here with Eileen. We're going to take care of this." Cas said.

"Like hell!" Kelly snapped. "Our circumstances may not be ideal, but Jack is still my son. I'm going with you."

"Kelly, this place... it's like nothing you've ever known. I'm the reason why he's in there right now, and I need to find him. I will bring him back, I swear, but you can't come."

"Cas is right. When I went in there to get him, it was just nothingness. It's not safe for you."

She sighed. "At least tell me what I can do to help."

"You can stay here. Wait for us and stay safe." Sam answered. She nodded hesitantly before Eileen walked over to her.

"So, how are we gonna do this?" Dean asked.

"We talk to Death. Get in there and save him." Cas answered very seriously. Sam nodded along while Cas and Dean basically planned out the whole route. Just as they were getting ready to head down to the basement, Eileen went up to Sam pulling him into a kiss.

"I love you." She said. Sam looked at her shocked but kissed her again. "I love you too." He responded. As much as Dean wanted to slap his brother and pick on him, right now was not the time. The three of them headed to the basement and slowly unlocked the door that lead in to Deaths library. They crept in slowly being sure to be careful. They heard Death whistling that same tune they day he went to go get Cas and followed the noise.

Death was leaned up against the bookshelf with a book from the J section in his hands. "Well, well, well. Howdy boys. Good to see you again. I was just reading up on your little friend, Jack."

"What happened?" Cas growled.

"Hell if I know. And I don't. Your little boy got in the back door."

"What does the book say?" Sam asked.

"About what's going to happen?" Sam nodded. "It says that Jack Kline is going to get trapped. You see, he didn't just go in to pull Cas out, he went in to make a deal."

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