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Jake seems to like DJ, but I realize he is a lot like Him. But Jake seems fine, so I don't mention it.

None of us go near the water-I guess DJ caught on that we don't like the ocean. He's wearing his sunglasses, as always.

He tells us that he lives with six other guys, Micah, Zac, Aiden, Dominic, Ryder, and Finn. They have a pretty big house, and there's lots of room.

He says that we'll have to take the bus to get there, and there's a lot of walking. We're both fine with that, and he says we can go there today if we want.

Twenty minutes later, we're getting off the bus, and walking down the sidewalk. It's getting late, and I'm worried about us walking in the dark.

It takes a little less than ten minutes before DJ stops in front of a big gate. There's a security guard that frowns at us, but lets us through when DJ says something to him.

"You live here?" I ask as we walk through the gate. He blushes a bit, but nods.

We walk up a long driveway to a huge two story house. There's a big porch, and flowers in the yard.

I look at DJ. "This is way too nice. We can't-"

"It's fine, Lio." He says, walking up to the door.

Jake glances at me. "I'm surprised he can shut you up."

"Rude." I mutter, making him laugh.

DJ unlocks the door, and calls, "I'm back!"

We're in the foyer of the house, and it's a wide space with shoes neatly lined up on one side, and a closet on the other. There's a mirror above the shoes, and a leash on the door handle of the closet. There's a set of stairs a couple feet in front of us, and rooms on either side of it that I can't see.

I hear barking, and a big dog with silky yellow fur charges at DJ. He laughs, and leans down to let the dog pounce on him.

"Hey, Apollo." He says as the dog licks his face.

I hear footsteps, then a hot guy about DJ's age with shaggy hair that is dyed a dark red appears at the top of the stairs. His brown eyes pass DJ, and land on me. He frowns.

"What're they doing here?" He asks, walking down the stairs.

DJ looks up, and sighs. "Where's Aiden?"

"He went out with Dom." He says. "What're they doing here?"

DJ sighs, and stands. Apollo goes over to me, then Jake, who tenses a bit.

DJ talks to the boy quietly, then turns to me.

"Lio, this is Ryder. Ryder, this is Lio."

Ryder frowns at me, and I decide I don't like him much, no matter how hot he is.

He looks back at DJ. "You realize that-"

"Yes, I know. Go find Finn." Ryder doesn't move. DJ sighs. "Please?"

Ryder rolls his eyes, and walks off. DJ turns to me.

"I'm sorry about him." He says.

I shrug. "It's fine."

Jake laughs from the ground. Apollo is half in his lap, and is licking his face. How did that happen?

DJ smiles, as another guy comes around the corner with Ryder.

He's shorter than Ryder is, with messy brown hair, and bright blue eyes. There's a spray of freckles across his nose, and he grins at us.

"Hi, I'm Finn!" He says.

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