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I blink, and look over at DJ. His eyebrows are pressed together, and he's frowning. "Yeah?"

"You okay? You just zoned out for almost five minutes."

"I did? Sorry, I'm just thinking."

We're at the beach, sitting against a shed filled with pool supplies. It's too hot to stay out in the sun, but we both wanted to be outside. I didn't get to talk to Jake for long this morning, since he went to a buffet with Jackson. He's supposed to be back when I get home today, though.

DJ's wearing khaki shorts, and a plain white t-shirt. His sunglasses sit on his nose, but he lifts them to look at me. "What's going on?"

"I miss Jake." I tell him.

He frowns. "What do you mean?"

"He's been spending a lot of time with Jackson. I've hardly seen him this month. And I know he cares about Jackson a lot, but I wish he'd still spend time with me."

"Have you told him this?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I don't want to sound selfish."

"That's not-" He's interrupted by his phone ringing. He pulls it out, and frowns at the screen, before putting it down.

"Answer it." I tell him. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I nod, and smile. "Go."

He leans over to kiss me, then gets up, tapping the phone. "Aiden? Hey, what's up?"

He walks around to the other side of the shed, and I can't hear him anymore.

My phone rings. Ari.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey. You're on a date, right?"

"Yep. If you knew that, why are you calling?"

"I can't say hi to you?"


"Hi. Is Jake at your apartment?"

"See, you didn't even want to talk to me."

"Yeah, yeah, is he there or not?"

"He is. Do you have a key?"

"No. I lost it again. It's fine, Jake will let me in. Who are you with this time?"

"DJ. Why?"

"You realize you can't keep doing this, right? They're going to get jealous eventually."

"I can. And it's fine. I keep asking, and it's fine."

"And what happens if you fall in love?"

"That won't happen."

"Are you sure? Because you fell in love with Him-"

"Not cool, Ari. I'll talk to you later."

I hang up, and sigh. That wasn't necessary at all.

I wait for DJ to come back, and when he does, we walk along the beach despite the sun. He seems upset about something, but says it's nothing when I ask.

"What's with you?" He asks.

I sigh. "Ari's complicating things. It's not important."

"Are you sure?"

I nod, and smile. "I'm sure. What's with you?"

"Nothing." He says. He seems uncomfortable, so I drop it.

A while later, my phone rings. Ari. I ignore it.

But they call again, then again. Then they text.

Ari: Answer your phone. Now. It's important.

"What?" I snap when I answer.

"Where are you?" They ask. They sound panicked.

I frown. "Why, is something wrong?"

"Yes, I've been trying to get into your apartment for twenty minutes. Jake won't open the door, but I can hear him in there, and I don't have a key, and I'm freaking out, I think he might've had a panic attack, and I can't get in-"

"I'll be there soon, okay? Keep trying to get in. It's okay. I'll be there soon."

"Okay." They hang up.

"DJ, I'm so sorry, but I have to go, something's wrong with Jake, and I have to get back now." I rush out.

He nods. "Okay. Do you want me to drive you?"

I pause. His motorcycle. That's the fastest way there. Oh god.

"Yes, fine, just hurry."

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