Chapter Twenty Nine

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I watched the door to Jimin's bedroom fall shut after he gave me one last melancholic glance. He needed some alone time after everything that had happened and I understood completely, yet I hated the way my heart constricted as I moved further and further away from where he was in the castle. At least he would be safer now that we were back in Coeus.

I knew I had to speak with someone that wasn't Jimin though and so I made my way towards the library in search of the person I needed to find. The person who could give me the wisdom I lacked. The person who could guide me on the right path, because he always knew what was best for me.

"Can I talk to you?", my voice rang out almost timidly as I stepped up to the oak table near the window in the library. 

Namjoon was sitting there, white sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he leaned over a new book he was studying. It was as if nothing had changed for a moment, it was just another day that he would teach me about things I couldn't even begin to imagine. Like the whole world wasn't being flipped onto its side.

"Milou", he looked up in surprise from the worn pages laid out in front of him, "Sure, what's the matter?"

He pulled out the chair next to him and gestured towards it for me to sit, which I did with a sigh. I didn't even know where to start with all of my thoughts and at the same time it almost seemed insignificant when there was a war on the horizon.

"A lot of things happened in Mnemosyne", I started as he turned his full attention towards me.

"To you? What did Jimin do?", suspicion was evident in his tone as his eyebrows pulled together.

I quickly shook my head, "No, no, Jimin's not like that. He's actually... I don't know how to say this... The reason why Jimin is the way he is, why he didn't want to return to his home country, it's so much darker than you can imagine."

"What do you mean?"

I chewed on my lip, debating whether it was alright if I told Namjoon everything, because it was some serious personal matters I would be revealing. At the same time I was at an end on how I could possibly help Jimin.

"Since Jimin's been a child... He's gone through so much, so much that no one should ever experience", my gaze dropped to my fidgeting hands in my lap, "T-the king's right hand man... started taking advantage of him from a young age..."

I glanced up at Namjoon to find his expression rather confused as he echoed, "Taking advantage...?"

"Namjoon, please don't make me say it aloud", my voice quivered, "Think about how Jimin takes a bath every chance he gets because he constantly feels dirty."

There was a flash of understanding spreading across his face before it was replaced by a horrified and disgusted look, "How could anyone- Since he was a child? Gods, that's awful. What kind of horrendous human could do such a thing?"

"I know, I know", I nodded down at my hands again, "Jimin's whole life was ruined by him. Most of the time he's just living as a shell of a person and not as himself. And I have no idea how I can possibly help him out of that."

"Is it your responsibility to help him out of that though, Milou?", he tilted his head ever so slightly, seemingly contemplating my demeanor.

"No, it's not... But who else could do so?", I asked in almost a whisper.

Namjoon looked like he was about to interject, but I beat him to it by starting to ramble, "But it's not just that, Joon, it's not. Jimin is this really amazing person underneath it all. H-he's soft-spoken, kind, even shy if you can believe that. Sure, he still likes the occasional teasing, but it's playful fun just like when he plays a simple board game. And he absolutely adores animals, he has a real soft spot for them... I think if he wasn't born as a Prince, he may have become a farmer. The kind that would rescue sick animals from the forest and nurture them back to health, caring for them like they're his own kin. He would cry tears of happiness just seeing an injured foal walk again, I know he would. He's that kind of person, Namjoon."

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