It wants forgiveness???

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(( FORGOT TO MENTION THIS LAST CHAPTER: were almost as 300 views (when im writing this) :O I've never gotten over 50 views so I NEED to thank you! You guys are the whole reason I've gotten this far into this book, ive noticed when people don't view my book i give up at chapter 5 so i wanna say im at chapter 8 (or is this 9... no its 8 if you dont count the "this is dumb" chapter) cus of you guys!!! THANKYOU :D))

Henry sighed he had completely forgotten the ink demon couldn't talk. It look at him, still looking a little hurt from Henry's comment, then he looked down at the ground.
"Don't do that." Henry said in a monotone voice, the ink demon tilted his head again in confusion "Look all sad like that, I mean, don't act like your the one who's in a vulnerable situation, You can easily rip me apart, you don't need to listen to me" silence... The ink demon looked from Henry's angry gaze to the pen in his hand then to the desk behind him... or atleast Henry thought the ink demon was looking at the desk but... no? it was looking at... Henry looked back to his drawing then back at the ink demon... his drawing? Henry picked it up and held the picture in front of the ink demon, it tilted its head interested, leaning in a little closer to see it better.

It looked back up at Henry then pointed at the drawing then back at itself...
"... Oh, no that's not you" Henry replied assuming it was asking if the drawing was it "well... uh its not EXACTLY you" It shooks its head then pointed back at the drawing, made a movement with its hand... like writing? maybe... then back itself.  Henry took a moment to process that then jump slightly realising what it wanted.
"You want to draw?" Henry asked, he was slightly interested now, the ink demon could draw? It nodded limping over to the desk and putting its hand out for the pen, which Henry quickly passed over. 

well this was strange, Henry was now watching the creature that once would of torn him a apart drawing, but drawing what? Well after only a few moments the drawing came together... it was... Henry? Yes, it was definitely Henry, it was quite impressive, well for a creature who didn't seem to have a hobby of drawing, most of its hobbies seemed to be killing and... yeah that's all its hobbies. The ink demon looked up at Henry, making Henry jump slightly, then it pointed back at the drawing.
"is that me?" Henry asked, It nodded then again pointed at the drawing and then at Henry's head "what do I think?" It nodded again "It's uh ... good?" Was Henry really rating the ink demon's drawing? It nodded again then took out another piece of paper and again started drawing, this time a much simpler drawing, a stick figure in a cage. It pointed to the stick figure then at itself.
"You were locked up?" It nodded, then drew a lock, then it pointed at itself, its head then at henry and finally at the lock.
"You thought I locked you up" It nodded then pointed at itself and shook its head "but you were wrong" It nodded then drew a clock on the page with the word realise next to it "It took time to realise that?" It nodded then went silent.
"But then why are you helping me?" It began writing this time, "I... want... to... be"
"You want to be forgiven?" It nodded... Henry was silent, how was he meant to react to that? with a "OHhhh its okay creature that killed my a thousand times, all is forgiven" 

Henry just stared at the ink demon, it stared back, this situation was just getting more awkward.
"well... I-" Henry began but could think of anything to say, he decided the best this was to get out of there "I should really get going now" Henry stood up and basically ran out of the room, no way was he going to stick around here. 

Bendy's pov 

well that went well.... of course, Bendy felt crushed, crushed by the weight the guilt that Henry just threw on him. Henry ran away? Yes that was GREAT response to Bendy asking for forgiveness. Bendy couldn't decide whether he was upset or angry, or whether he was upset/angry at himself or Henry? He felt like he should be running after Henry, apologise maybe? no no... Bendy let out a sigh, he looked at the drawing on the table, his feeling finally deciding and angry rising in him. Why couldn't he fix things! This should be easy! Right? Bendy picked up the drawing he made of Henry, holding it, looking at it. WHY?! He tore the drawing in half then instantly regretted in. No... no! He sighed holding the two halfs... his drawing... He was even kinda proud of it as well. 

silence... Bendy sad down at the desk letting out a small groan and picking up the pen, he felt like drawing... something? It was relaxing and... Ahah! A plan formed in his mind... he had to get Henry to forgive him... he had to have Henry's trust... for them to grow close... he just HAD to. He couldn't explain it but he just did.

Henry's pov 

Despite everything the ink demon had done to Henry... he still regretted running off like that... the demon wanted to apologise and he just... left? It was stupid but he wasn't willing to turn back, not when the ink demon could now be angry. 
"Who would of guessed that that monster had a heart?" Henry mumbled. Henry didn't like using the word monster, at least not now, not that he knew the ink demon did feel... but thats all the ink demon was right? A monster, A beast. If a human killed a thousand people they would be called a monster and they still feel things, right? What if they did it out of grief? What if they only killed people who did wrong! Then that like saying Satan's a monster! He's not? Henry debated in his mind... he couldn't help but wonder, what if he was the one in the wrong. 

Henry sighed wiping ink from his face, for a moment his attention directed to the ink... is it natural to be in this much ink? How many health issues will he have once he leaves... if he leaves!
God damn in, he hated thinking about his health, he alway did. Perhaps that's why he always ended up ill... he shook of his thoughts ((my youtube ads right at this moment: "support your physical health tomorrow with..." it knows-))  suddenly he stubbed his toe on something, he let out a small scream, that shouldn't of hurt at bad as it did, he looked down and was a an half in his foot... or more like a quarter in his foot, not deep enough to make him limp but enough to cause some blood. Henry let out a groan as he pulled the axe out, a weapon. Once upon a time a weapon would comfort Henry but now he knows the studio just lunges threats at him when he had one.
"Its like god damn video game logic, when I have something to attack with they give me things to attack." Henry mumbled. 

and almost as if it heard out came a searcher, looking willing to attack. 

((why do i keep forgetting to put titles-))

Again and Again and Again {Henry x Bendy} {completed}Where stories live. Discover now