20 minutes later, we arrived at the beach. Charlie and I had been vibing to music, we both realized we really have the same taste in music and couldn't stop talking about all the bands and artists we love. Selina eventually loosened up as well and joined our conversation.

Thank God.

We step out of the car and wait for the others to arrive. To say I am nervous is an understatement, I am terrified to meet everyone. What if I embarrass myself? I know I will.

"Oh there they are!" Selina excitingly says while pointing at a car full of people that I don't know. I look down and take a moment for myself to take a deep breathe and tell myself I will be okay.

I will be okay.

When I look back up I notice Charlie staring at me with a thoughtful expression. He did not see me do all of that right? I don't want him to know that I have issues and I'm nervous. I think no one should be ashamed of their feelings, but I am feeling so embarrassed right now.

When Charlie noticed me looking at him as well, he turns his head away from me and greets all the people that are walking in our direction. I recognize two of them. Jeremy and Owen, from his band and the awkward toilet meeting.

Selina and Charlie give everyone a tight hug and then turn to me, "this is Naomi!" Selina introduces me to everyone. I shyly wave awkwardly and mumble a soft hi. Owen immediately smiles and walks over to me, bringing me in a tight hug.

Okay? That is nice, really nice. People like him always help my anxiety. I know it's not the same with everyone though, some people would freak out. Not everyone knows how to deal with it, but he seems to really know.

"I am Owen! It's so nice to meet you!" He let's go of me and smiles.

I nod shyly and smile at him, "it's nice to meet you too. I like your band!" I compliment him to which he smiled and cheered. I laugh and shake my head before turning to Jeremy who was waiting to give me a hug too. They are all so nice and welcoming, I have never felt so comfortable around new people.

"Hi, it's Jeremy!" He smiles and gives me a quick hug.

"hi," I chuckle. "it's Naomi," I let go of him and then turn to all the other people. How can someone have so many friends? Not everyone was interested in introducing themselves, which I am really happy about so I turn to Selina who just screams.

"LET'S GO!" Before running towards the beach like her life depends on it. Everyone quickly runs after her, not me, Owen, Jeremy, Charlie, and wait- that is Madison, the really nice girl who gave ma a flyer.

"Normally I'd hype them up but it's way to early for that shit." Madison scuffs.

"Madi, it's already 7pm?" Owen looks at her questionably as Charlie and Jeremy agree, both laughing.

"Exactly," She answers back confidently. I laugh and cover my mouth. I already love her.


The day went by so quickly. Everyone has been sharing their childhood memories of summer holidays while sitting by the camp fire, laughing their asses off at how good their childhood was. I also have some fun childhood memories, but after hearing all of their awesome memories, I decide to just stay quiet and not say anything. Mine are lame compared to theirs.

"And what about yours, Naomi?" Charlie asks curiously who is sitting across from me. Of course he had to ask me.

"Uh... I don't really have fun childhood memories to be honest," I mumble while looking at the ground. I hate talking in big crowds, it scares the living hell out of me. They're all really nice, I just don't really know everyone yet. That's a lie, Owen, Madison, Jeremy and I have been talking non-stop since we arrived. They are all so funny, Owen can literally just look at me and It'll make me laugh, and no not in a mean way.

You are my miracle - charlie Gillespie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now