chapter 28/pain

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"ill protect her no matter what"


A blood-curdling scream could be heard from outside of Marinette's window. Adrien and Marinette quickly rush over to the window to pinpoint where the scream came from, with Alya and Nino close behind. They scan the ground below and their eyes stop at a woman sprinting to a baby stroller, which was right next to a blob of some sort.

The monster was red, black, and green. It seemed as if it was unfinished as it blinked in and out of sight. The monster was frozen in place and was transforming into some sort of figure

"What is that?" Alya says crinkling her nose

"I-i don't know" Adrien replies

"I-I'm going to go check it out," Marinette says turning to go to the trap door

Adrien grabs her hand "No you need to stay here, away from harm's way"

Marinette's eyes trail over to their clasped hands "I-im fine"

Adrien intertwines her hand in his "Marinette just say here ill go check it out"

Marinette's cheeks flush as she stares unblinking at their twined hands, she quickly shakes her head back into focus "I can take care of myself Adrien I'm going" she says trying to rip her hand from his death grip

"Marinette please"

"Why don't you both go, that way we can see what is going on and you can protect each other" Alya suggest

Adrien's grip softens a bit and he hesitates "ok but stay behind me" he waits for her to nod before quickly waving goodbye to Alya and Nino leading Marinette down the trapdoor still holding her hand

"Ill film from up here!" Alya calls out

Adrien and Marinette make their way to and out the front door

"Adrien really I'm fine you can let go now"

Adrien's grip just tightens as he leads her to a building

"Hide in here" he pulls her into the apartment building "don't come out unless you absolutely have to, or if I tell you" he lets go of her hand, his hand already missing the warmth from hers

Marinette crosses her arms "I can take care of myself Adrien"

"I-i know but I just want you to be safe," he says, a look of desperation in his eyes

Marinette's eyes soften "i-i know but I can protect myself" she gives him a small smile "ill stay here for now but I'm coming out when I want to"

Adrien sighs "fine" he looks at her one more time "I love you" he exits the building leaving Marinette with her lips parted slightly

Marinette stares at the hand Adrien was so desperately clinging onto minutes earlier as she shakes her head back into focus, opening her purse

"Tikki I need to transform, there's a sentimonster in the park"

"You know the words Marinette" Tikki replies grinning

Marinette smiles "Tikki spots on"

Ladybug counts to ten before exiting the building, luckily Adrien wasn't waiting outside of the door but her stomach still churned at the thought of Adrien being out there and near the unknown sentimonster. She takes a deep breath and swings towards the park.




Chat stares at his hand after transforming wishing for the warmth that came from Marinette's soft hand. He smiles thinking about the strong, determined girl he left in the apartment building

she probably already left the building

Worry lines crease his eyebrows as he makes a fist

ill protect her no matter what

He hops roof to roof towards the still forming frozen sentimonster.


"What is that thing," Ladybug says landing next to an equally confused Chat

"I don't know," he says turning to look at her "but I don't want to find out, CATACLYSM"

He runs over to the sentimonster. Right as he reaches it, it finishes transforming into a copy of Ladybug. He catches himself right before his hand connects with her chest. "but we already defeated a ladybug sentimonster" he stays keeping his hand raised

Ladybug frowns "it's still frozen," she walks up to it, and as she's about to touch the cheek of her copy, it reaches up grabbing her wrist, flipping her around to pin her laying a few feet from Chat.

"Ladybug!" Chat runs over to her and the copybug, his powered hand raised. The copybug raises her head. Quickly wrapping Ladybug in her mock yoyo securing her in place so she couldn't run. the copybug bug transforms again to an exact copy of chat. The copycat calls cataclysm and sprints to Chat. The copycat jumps in the air, landing on Chat's back knocking the wind out of him. The copycat slams its powered hand onto Chat Noir's back.

"Augh" chat writhes in pain letting out a guttural scream

"CHAT! NO" Ladybug shrieks fighting against her bonds

Chat groans and stops struggling, slumping under the copycat's weight

"CHAT, CHAT NO WAKEUP CHAT...CHATON" Ladybug screams desperately tears pouring down her face. She looks at the copycat with murder in her eyes "YOU" she fights against her bonds finally loosening them enough to allow her to slip out, she gets up and wipes her eyes sprinting over to the copycat who was still on Chat's back.

The copycat transforms back into copybug, getting up, and standing on chat's back. It steps off calmly waiting for Ladybug to reach her.

Ladybug takes out her yoyo and extends it to hit copybug but copybug catches it and swings it, the still attached ladybug swinging with it. The copybug let go throwing Ladybug into a nearby tree. Ladybug cries out in pain but get's back up on her wobbly legs.

I'm going to need some help

She runs over to Chat who was laying in a crumpled heap on the floor. She swiftly picks him up, feeling his faint breath on her neck, swinging away as fast as she could to her house.

he's still alive, barely breathing but alive

She runs into the bakery ignoring the worried calls from Sabine and Tom. She runs upstairs to her room. She slams the trapdoor open and runs to place Chat on her day bed.

"We saw what happened," a shaky voice says from behind her

She jumps forgetting that she had company. She turns around to see Nino and Alya's tear-streaked face.

"We want to help," Nino says, with the same look of murder in his eyes

"Good because I'm gonna need all the help I can get to bring Chat back," she says, her voice wavering

She walks to her desk and opens a small cabinet to reveal the circular miraculous box, She opens it and takes out all of the miraculous she needed, putting them all on and handing the turtle and fox miraculous to Nino and Ayla

They stare at her with wide eyes

"H-how did you....wait"

Ladybug says nothing as she looks away from Alya's hurt face

"Marinette...It's you isn't it," Ayla says staring at Ladybug as if this was the first time she's actually seen her

"We don't have time for this, transform let's go I have more miraculouses to hand out," Ladybug says, turning to the trapdoor

I have to save chat


a/n: 🚶🏾‍♂️

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