|Chapter Three|

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^^She's been so supportive of this story and I don't think  'Thank You.' expressed it enough :) Thank you for supporting me :) ^^

A/N: The next chapter will be much better than previous ones :)

All Rights Reserved TO D. S Lemonius.

Enjoy :)


Chapter Three.

There I was, standing next to a brightly dressed Janie in front of the huge cinema. I was dressed in black jeans, a white top and star converse and was chatting away to Janie. I looked normal like any normal girl coming out of the cinema. I was looking at myself! This is impossible! One minute I was laying in my bedroom listening to 'Fall Out Boys.' the next I'm in what seemed like bushes across the street from the multiplex cinema! I was meant to come here tomorrow to see 'Yogi Bear.' with Janie but I'm here now. This doesn't make any sense. Am I dreaming? Or I'm just losing it?

Puzzled, I watched myself chat to Janie. My hands made gestures along with my words; everyone at home said I did that but I never really saw it. I looked like I was on a hype. By some strange force, both Janie's and my head turned to the left as did I. On the left side of the road was an incoming dull green smart car driven by a pale old lady with grey curly hair and heading towards her was a brown haired greasy looking man in oil truck. The old lady was driving on the wrong side of the road! She was going to get hit! What made my heart leap out of my chest was the fact that the man was bobbing his head to a beat and his headphones held his attention more than the road.  Of all the people coming out of the multi plex no one showed any concern, they didn't even notice!

"Krissy! What do we do?!" Janie panicked. She shook my arm hard but I wasn't moving. I looked at my face and saw fear in my eyes. What could the Krissy I'm looking at now do?! Nothing.

I saw the driver of the truck eyes widen suddenly widen and him stamping on his brakes but they didn't work. He pulled a string from above him and honked his loud horn but the lady was completely oblivious to it all. Finally the people around me saw what Janie, myself and I were seeing and I could here the hysteria start to creep in. I blinked several times hoping one of them would disappear to be safe but they wouldn't.

"Stop!" I yelled to both drivers but they didn't hear me. I also saw that everyone around didn't either.

The driver looked like he could have broken the brake the amount of times he stamped on it but he wouldn't give up. I heard the screech of them all of a sudden but that didn't stop the massive vehicle skid across faster down the road then it already was. His actions made things worse; he began to steer out of the way. The truck couldn't take the sharp turn so it spun till it was sideways. It slowed but something, I couldn't see what got in the slowing truck's way and half or the wheels flipped over it. The little old lady had drive to close to avoid it. Her and her car was crushed under the pressure of the truck. A thin stream of blood trickled out from between the collision...


“I shot up right in my bed sweating and breathing heavily. What just happened?” I asked aloud. Did I just she the future? I shuddered at the thought. Had I?

I stayed there for what felt like hours, to scared to move. I was having the worst day of my life. First Sam, then my mum now this. What did I do to deserve all this? I know karma will come back for you but what did I do to have it this bad? ‘Fearless Krissy’ that was my nickname. I watch horrors, actions and paranormal movies and I barely flinch at them. I’ve seen much worse than that, why am I freaking out over that one little scene? If that was in fact a vision, should I tell somebody?

  “Dinner kids!” yelled a voice from downstairs. I recognised it was the, Charlie, the cook’s, voice. I didn’t move; I had lost my appetite. I couldn’t shake the vision off so I just slowly lay down and waited until a dreamless sleep concealed me.

A light flickered on in my once dark room and I pulled the covers over my head to block it out. “No, Krissy get up. You have chores to do!” Marie told me ripping the covers from me. I shivered at the sudden coldness on my skin and my eyes opened to Marie in her white dress. I had slept in my cloths.

“Marie, I had a really bad day. Please leave me be.” I groaned to her.

Instead of leaving she sat on the side of my bed and brushed my long brown hair out of my face. “Krissy, you didn’t eat the other day and little Edward kindly did the washing up for you so at least sweep up the hallway. I understand you might be upset but please.” She told me gently. Edward did my washing up out of the goodness of his heart? I don’t think so. That little twerp must have made a big mess in the hallway.

“Fine.” I gave up. I rolled out of my bed and Marie left my room. Gathering my bathroom things, I stepped out of my room. I was surprised there wasn’t much more than the usual mess; just a couple of toys and paper with pictures on them littered around.

The bathroom was small and cramped; just a tap, toilet and a shower. I took of my skinny blue jeans and white T-Shirt of and was about to start the shower but someone started banging on the door. “Krissy you’re taking ages!” Ugh! It was Edward or as everyone calls him, Shrimp.

I wrapped a towel around myself and opened the door. “I just got in here! Calm down before I tie you to the oak tree again!” Shrimp yelped and started to call Marie but I quickly slammed the door and turned the water on full blast. I wasn’t over exaggerating, I’ve tied him to the tree before but he was being so annoying! All the other kids here around my age helped whilst the others taunted him. Since then his main goal was to get me in big trouble. He was eight years old, his face was a always pink and he had long brown hair always in his face. I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that an eight year old out to get a fifteen year old is a bit strange but shrimp and I are a rare case.

I took off my underwear and felt the heat on my skin. It felt good. Carefully, I got out of the steamy shower and dried myself. I put on my grey tracksuit, blue Nike top and the matching grey cardigan. This time of year, the sun might be shining but it’s still freezing.

I bundled my dirty cloths in ball and opened the bathroom door expecting Shrimp to be standing there but there was someone else. Little Kiara. “Kissy!” she squealed holding her hands up for me. I picked her up and held her in my free arm. I loved this little girl so much.  

“Hi Kiki, I can’t play with you right now, I’ve got to-”

“But professor flutter cup needs your opinion on his new dance!” she whined. I laughed. Professor flutter cup is her Winnie The Pooh teddy. Her grey eyes sparkled and she was pouting. She was so adorable.

“How about you get Flutter Cup all ready to show me while I clean up first?” I offered and she beamed.

“Yeah!” she slid out of my arms and ran to her room.

After cleaning and watching the show, I used the house phone to call Janie and cancel on the cinema; I told her I wasn’t feeling up to it. She was okay with it but I must see it next weekend according to her. The vision doesn’t scare me as much as it did before when I thought about it now. Though I didn’t want to take any chances and I most certainly didn’t want to see it again.


 This is unedited because I want to give my editor (bless her heart) a break since she's been working so hard with me :) Thank you :) Her name is Ally-Star :)

I hope you liked it :D

P.S Professor Flutter Cup is my child hood teddy hehe.

Tell me what you think and vote if you like :)

Thank you for reading :)

~Midnight XD


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