"You guys showed me just how important music is to all of us," Jay continued when Luke wouldn't. "If it weren't for you guys and Flynn and Julie, I'd probably be...getting ready to go to some stupid business school on the other side of the country. I'd take over that stupid company and work in tech distribution."

Still nothing.

"Hell," Jay's voice softened as he looked across the street to his old home. The one he had shares with his parents, but also the one where he was held prisoner by his aunt and uncle. "I'd probably still be in that house if it weren't for our music."

The corners of Luke's mouth curled up into a small smile at Jay's words.

"Our music, huh?" Luke repeated. "You haven't called it your music in a while."

"Yeah, well, I know a stubborn ghost that was bent on getting me to accept my music," Jay shrugged. "And I figured I should return the favor before he needs to go."

"So coming to visit my parents is your way of paying me back?" Luke asked.

"You want to speak to your parents but you can't," Jay said, the words leaving his mouth before he could even think of them. "I get that. I'm lucky enough to have Reggie now, but," Jay gesutured with the folded paper in his hand, bringing both of their eyes to it, "this is all you've got."

Luke took in a breath, almost shaky. He was trying to appear as if he was fine, just as he always did.

"You sure about this?"

Jay nodded confidently, not breaking eye contact with Luke. Luke exhaled heavily and gently pressed the doorbell to his old home. Luke brought his gaze back up to Jay and two of them essentially swapped positions so that now Jay was standing in front of the door while Luke stood closely behind him. So Jay stood with bated breath until Mitch Patterson opened the door, his eyes brightened when he recognized the boy in front of him.

"Jay!" Mitch greeted. "It's so good to see you."

"Likewise Mr. Patterson," Jay responded with a smile. "It's been a long time."

"Come in, come in."

Mitch stepped back and away from the doorframe, gesturing for Jay to come inside the house. Jay immediately followed his direction and looked back at Luke, who was staring longingly at his father. Jay silently made a hand motion for Luke to come in as well and by some sheer force of will, Luke walked through the front doors of his house for the first time in twenty-five years.

After Jay closed the door, he and Luke made their way into the living room, where Mitch was calling out to Emily and informing her of Jay's arrival. Emily soon appeared in the living room as well and smiled brightly upon seeing Jay.

"Oh, welcome Jay," she had said, greeting Jay with a quick hug. "I'm happy you finally found some time to come visit."

"Yeah, sorry, I know it's been a while," Jay said, shooting a quick glance at Luke, who had made his way around Jay so that he diagonally to him, looking at his parents who greeted Jay as a family friend.

"I actually can't stay long," Jay continued, breaking his gaze away from Luke and back to the elder Pattersons. "I'm actually part of a band."

"Oh, you're playing music again?" Emily gasped, though her tone indicated that she was incredibly happy.

"Yeah," Jay sighed. "It's been a long time, so I'm a bit rusty, but...if it weren't for my friends-" Jay had to keep himself from looking at Luke again- "then I probably wouldn't have gone back."

"Well I think we're both glad to see that you're playing again," Mitch said, gently putting his arm around his wife. "Can I get you anything? Water?"

Finally Free -- JATP Luke x MaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now