45. "Captain?"

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𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩:

I made my way back to our compartment to gather my stuff and leave to the castle. Entering the small space, Jules and Sam were ready to go, while Finn was trying to wake up Fred.

"May I ask where the hell were you?" Sam asked acknowledging my presence. And all of a sudden dear Fred was awake.
"Yeah, where were you?" he questioned as he stood up.

I directed my words to Fred, "I went to the bathroom, and I had a lady problem. Want me to continue?". Fred and Finn blushed embarrassed and turned to leave muttering "No it's fine".

The girls and I laughed at their embarasment and then Sam turned again towards me, throwing me my bag. "Seriously now, what happened?" she looked around the compartment and smirked. "And where is James?".

Jules' eyes widened and she covered her grin with her hands. "Do we really have to go through this?" I sighed and they both broke into laughter.

"Ah, you two can't just stay a week without shagging huh?" Sam sighed playfully and I shove her shoulder.
"Let's go" I said and walked out into the less crowded hallway.

On our way out, we crossed paths with James coming out of the bathroom we were in. He looked a little flustered and he was slightly panting. As we crossed each other I whispered a "See you at the feast" and winked at him bitting my lip.

I really like this feeling of dominance I have whenever it comes to this. How I can make him hard in seconds and make his eyes darken with lust. The way he looks at me whenever I bit my lip and whisper sweetly to him.
But there is also the way he makes me whimper and whine for him. How he makes me feel needy for him and only him.

We made our way to the castle and changed into our house robes. We waved Jules goodbye as she walked over to the Hufflepuff table and us to the Ravenclaw.
I saw James coming in minutes later and sitting between Finn and Fred. Both boys eager to shoot him with questions.

"Evening students" greeted Headmistress McGonagall silencing us. "A new school year has arrive for our heads to fill with knowledge. Before I allow you all to eat, I would like to make a quick announcement". Everybody groaned.

"I'm very sorry for this years post troubles, most of you received your letters late and some didn't receive them until last week" she announced with an apologetic tone. "Due to this inconvenience, we weren't able to deliver the Quiddicth announcement letters regarding new captains

"And now I will announce them. For Slytherins will keep their former captain Miss. Nott. Hufflepuff's new captain is sixth year Gabriela Spinet" The hufflepuff table erupted in applauses. "For Gryffindor, your new captain, for only this year, is James Potter" The Gryffindor table filled the ball with celebration and I clapped as well. James had told me about wanting to play Quidditch professionally and this will help.

"Lastly we have Ravenclaw, your new Quidditch Captain is non other that Camille Longbottom". It took me seconds to process the announcement. The table was steady jumping up and down in celebration. I glanced towards the teacher table and saw my dad clapping and whooping. "Captain?" I repeated in astonishment. McGonagall had to calm down everyone and distract us with food.

As the feast appeared infront of us I wasn't able to grab anything. "You will end with no food, Captain" Sam told me tossing me a chicken leg.

"Captain" I repeated and started grabbing food. "I'm captain!" I squeezed lowly and Sam nodded happily.

"Imagine all of the access you will be allowed to" Sam said intrigued. "You will have access to the entire Quidditch equipment, you are allowed to scream at your teammates, AND you have access to the prefects bathroom" she finished with a squeal.

Wow. I was still in shock I didn't register when Sam started stealing food from my plate. All of that, for me. BUT, I also had O.W.L's this year. I huffed at the thought of it.

"We have O.W.L's as well" I whined. "I will have to train for Quidditch, train others AND manage to pass all my homework and tests" I finish covering my face with my hands.

"Well at least you and your lover have stuff in common" she said bitting a piece of pumpkin cake.

Ofcourse. James also has all the tests and homeworks and now he is also captain. I glance at him across the table and catched his eye. He mother the words "Captains" while gesturing at the both of us. "I know" I mouthed back with excitment creeping out.

The feast ended and we were to go to out Common rooms. Before I could exit the Great Hall and meet up with my friends, dad caught up to me. He hugged me tightly lifting off the floor.

"My sunflower is Quidditch Captain" he squealed with excitement. I giggled and smiled widely. He placed me down leaving his hands on my shoulders. "I am so proud of you, of what you've accomplished" he said with a tear about to escape his right eye.

I whipped off the tear with the cuff of my robe and he smiled at me. He pulled me in for a hug again. "Does this mean I won't have much schoolwork?" I asked hopefully.

Dad chuckled a "Oh no, you will have as much as the rest". He let go of me and told me to go and celebrate before classes begun the next day.

I ran back to the Common Room, answered the riddle quickly and bolted up to Lily, Sam and I's room. As soon as I entered I heard a 𝘱𝘰𝘱 and saw that Sam had opened a champagne.

Before I could even question why, Lily tackled me into a hug.  "Congratulations,
Captain Longbottom" she shouted and let go of me. I then noticed Jules had managed to sneak into the room. "We are having a small party" she said and Sam served her a glass of champagne.

"Just the four of us, celebrating dear Camille's new position" Sam cheered handing me a glass of champagne. "Can I have some?" Lily asked and we looked at each other.  "Only one glass, half a glass" she kept trying to barge.

"Fine" Sam sighed giving in and serving Lily half a glass. She served her own glass and raised it. "A toast, to our smart-stupid, mediocre-accomplishing friend. For managing to kick my brothers ass and now becoming Quidditch Captain in his place"

"Cheers!" we all said and drank our glasses.  

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