36. "You are family"

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𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩:

"Books, clothes, wand, robes, candy..." I repeated to myself as I packed my trunk before the last feast of the year. "Sam, what am I missing?" I asked the brunette as she packed. Sam was going to stay with us during the whole Summer, since her family issues.

"You are missing your broom" Sam answered crouching under my bed and taking out my Firebolt. I sighed and grabbed the Firebolt, "Thanks Sam, you are a life saver". She chuckled and went back to packing her stuff.

"So what are we doing for the summer" Sam asked. "Oh lots of things" I said excited, "We are going to the lake, stargazing, to the Potter's...". "Your birthday" Sam interrupted.

I nodded. "My birthday" I repeated. Last year I hadn't celebrated my birthday due to the Wood thing being just a month before my birthday, and I wasn't in the mood to celebrate. Sam had come by that day to give me a present, but besides that, I didn't come out of my room the entire day. This year however I was going to celebrate my birthday with my family. By family I meant my parents, the Potter's, the Weasley's, Scorpius, Sam and Jules

"I'm planning on celebrating it on my house's backyard, it's pretty big for everyone to fit" I explained Sam. Sam turned around with her trunk ready placing it next to the door. Sam had been better lately. Exams took the whole Giana thing out off her mind and the idea of staying with us made her happy.

"We better head to the Great Hall for the feast" Sam said patting her stomach, "and we have to wake up Lily" she gestured to the red head sleeping on her bed. Sam walked up to the side of Lily's bed and shook her awake. "Lily!" she yelled as she shook the girl. Lily groaned and slapped Sam's hand away.

"I hate you" Lily groaned at Sam. Sam just laughed and said "Yeah yeah let's go eat" Sam said walking out the door. I waited till Lily placed her robe on, then we left. "So Lily" I called her, "how is it going with Lysander?". She turned around and I smirked when I saw her blushing.

"He is my friend" she stated. I nodded."Yeah sure let's believe that" I shrugged and left Lily behind as Lysander approached her. I met Sam by the portrait hole and we left to the Great Hall.

"Ah poor Lily" Sam sighed, "if she hadn't bothered you so much then you probably wouldn't bother her now". We both laughed and walked through the packed corridors. As we walked I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw James, Fred and Finn.

"Hey guys" I greeted them. "Hi love and hi Sam" James greeted back placing his arm around my shoulder. "You've learned your lesson" Sam said to James. James nodded and said, "I don't want to get punch anymore". We all laughed and arrived to the Hall.

"See you on the train ride?" James asked pecking my forehead. "Yeah see ya" I replied as Sam dragged me to the Ravenclaw table. We sat down and minutes later Lily and Lysander sat next to us.

"Hey girls" called us a raspy voice. We turned to my other side and saw Ben Davies, a chaser on the team. "Hi Ben" Sam and I greeted back. Ben was one of the few guys from Ravenclaw we talked to. "Hope McGonagall doesn't make a large final discurse" Ben said, "I'm starving". Sam agreed with him and on cue we saw McGonagall reach the stand.

"Evenings students" McGonagall started, "after a lot of fun, education, exams and quidditch, this school term has come to an end. I congratulate to each one of you that placed their best during lessons, and to those who cause... 𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦, I hope you will behave next year.

"I can see in es h of your faces, that non of you want to watch me up here talking and you'd rather be eating today's delicious feats. So, I won't be moron and let you all eat. Tuck in" she finished and the food appeared on the golden plates.

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