42. "How lovely"

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𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩:

"When I say toss me the eggs I meant for you to pass them to me" Sam scolded Albus after he threw the last three eggs we had for our cookie dough.

"Sorry" Albus mumbled and started picking the broken shells from the door.

"Now we are short on eggs" Sam groaned and threw the cooking book behind her. "Cam" she said. "Go ask your boyfriend to fetch us some eggs". I shook my head and took of the apron.

I ran upstairs to James' room and knock the door twice before opening the door. James was no where to be seen. I heard the shower running inside the bathroom. "Hey James when you are done I need you to accompany me to the store" I stated through the bathroom door. Just then, the water turned off. I heard rustling on the other side and moments later the door opened.

"You were saying?" James said, his head poking out all wet and his broad shoulder on sight. I took a sharp and shook my head.

"I need you to accompany me to the store" I said loookg to the floor. "Albus sort of broke the last few eggs and we are short on-".

"Why are you looking at the floor?" he asked teasingly interrupting me . I looked up at him. The smirk growing in his face. I stepped back and shook my head.

"Nop" I said popping out the p. "I'm not doing this, no, not today. I'm baking! And get ready!" I continued to say until I exited the room closing the door. Before I closed it though, I heard James laughing. And I smiled.

Wow I really hate growing up. Fucking hormones! We can barely be in a room togheter without one of us getting horny. I mean I don't judge him, I am gorgeous. And he is just so bloody handsome.
I stepped into the kitchen and Albus was still whipping off egg residues.  Sam was sitting on the counter eating chips.

"You missed a spot" Sam said mouthful with chips. I snatched the bag out of her hands and raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm joking it's fine" Sam told Albus and he stood up and left.

"You are quite the party pooper" she groaned snatching the bag from my hands.

"Well at least I'm not taking advantage on others guilt" I said and walked off to the living room. Just as I placed a foot the room's floor, James came downstairs.

"Where to madam?" he said mocking a fancy French accent. I shoved him by the shoulder and exited the house. We walked a couple of feet away from the house until we were able to disapparate. "You sure you don't mind?" he asked before I took his arm.

"Yes. I've been side-apparating since I'm eleven, so let's go" I said with pride. He nodded and extended his arm for me to grab. As soon as my hands made contact with his arm, we were off.
We squeezed through a very tiny space, oxygen barley filing my lungs. The familiar dizziness filled me and then we where on an alley next to a market.

"You good?" James asked as he checked me to see if I had splinched. He continue to lift my arms and check me until he lifted my chin. "Perfect, like always" he said and connected our lips. We broke apart quickly, reminding ourselves we were in public and not back at his room.

"How lovely" I sighed sacastically as the was not a single box of eggs on the shelf. Groaning into my hands I then turned to James to see if he knew of another place.

"Well there is this organic market a few blocks away" he said and without hesitation that was our next destination. We exited the out-of-eggs market and went back to the alley. But before we could even disapparate, a group of four drunken man wearing construction jackets cornered us.

"That is a pretty lady" said a bald one. "Mind sharing?" he asked James and stepped closer to us. James shoved him off making the bald men tumble and fall.

"Step close to her and I hurt you" he growled to the four men. James towered over the bald man and another wearing his jacket inside out. But the other two were tall. One was taller than James and the other was his size.

"Pathetic" the tallest man said. "A pretty lady like her should be use for other purposes".

"Pig" I muttered under my breath not being able to retain myself. I insalty regretted it, because the man came close. James stepped infront of me and kept one hand tangled with mine.

"Pretty face can speak" the man awed as if I was some sort of training puppy. I saw James other hand lower to one of his pockets and instantly knew he was snatching his wand.

"Stop there!" said the man with the inside out jacket. Ah shit. "He was a weapon!" the man announced to the group. The man with the same bight as James took out a pocket knife. My eyes widened as U saw him come closer.

James slightly moved his wand and a glass broke nearby, making the four men looking for the sounds origin. 𝘈 𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 I thought. James waved his wand again and the talked men fell to the floor.

"Prick?" one of the man wondered as he saw his friend laying on the ground. James waved his wand again and the one with the knife fainted. The knife fell from his hand and landed next to me. I quickly grabbed the black pocket knife just in case. A vase crashed at the top of the bald mans head and lastly a fox attacked the last man.

"Camille!" James scolded at me. I transformed back from my Animagus form.

"What?" I shurgged and said, "They all decided to fight a fox in a drunken state and fate wasn't on their side asking them to lose the fight against the fierce animal".

James shook his head and placed his hand around me apparating us. We were back at the house. No more markets for today, we would just ask Harry later. As we walked to the house I took out the pocket knife from my jumper.

"You kept that!" James laughed. I nodded and did a few attacking motions with it.

"I can get good at this, besides I'm still missing two more years before I'm of age" I explained and James couldn't argue.

"Where are the eggs?" Sam asked as we entered the house. James and I looked at each other and then at her.

"Long story" we both said in unison and walked to the living room.  There Ginny braiding Lily's hair.

"Why you got a knife?" Lily asked and Ginny's head snapped up. I still hand the retractable knife in my hands.

"We got jumped, Cam ended up stealing them instead and we faild on our mission to get eggs" James explained as if it was an everyday thing. "Any more question?".

"You ended up jumping the jumpers?" Ginny asked and I nodded. She nodded and replied proudly "Atta girl".

"You are not going to scold at her?" Albus asked on día ilife from the other couch. Ginny shook her head and answered with a simple "She protected herself".

"So violence is okay for protection? Just like magic" Lily asked and James nodded along with his mother. "I can't wait to get in trouble and have to hex someone" Lily said as she twirled her wand in her hand.

"Believe me, you don't want to" I said and patted her head.

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