26. "I'm the lucky guy"

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𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩:

I spent the next week thinking about three things; homework, how to enter the yellow's common room, and my soon second date with James.

Speaking of the devil. James was walking towards me. I was sitting on my usual spot at the library, studying with the chilly temperature of December, which caused me to wear James' hoodie.

"Nice hoodie" he said as he sat down. "Yeah it belongs to a dork" I replied teasingly. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "A dork who wants to know if you are available for the next Hogsmade visit, maybe for a lunch at the Three Broomsticks".

I smiled at him and scratched an invisible beard as if thinking. "Let me see..." I teased him, "yeah I'm free". He smiled and opened his mouth to say something but I gutted him off, "After I go to Honeydukes with Sam, it will be short" I added.

"Alright" he said and took out his books. "You are going to study?" I asked him with a little laugh. He rolled his eyes at me and said, "Suprised?". I shock my head and went to focus on my essay. But obviously studying with James isn't actually studying with him turning my hair red every second he could.

"James if you continue turning my hair the same shade of a tomato, I will hex you" O threatened him. He smiled and apologized, "Sorry. And how would you have hexed me, as far as I'm conserned  you don't know any hexes that I don't".
"Oh are you sure, because I'm pretty sure that your mother taught me her famous Bat-Bogey Hex" I tell him smirking.

He was left mouth opened. "Now if you don't mind can you change my hair back please" I said to him. He raised his wand and muttered the incantations and lowered his wand. "Uhh that's the best I can do" he said and I grabbed my now brown hair with red highlights.
"I don't mind I kinda like it," I say and turned back to my essay.

By the weekend my hair was still brown and red, since I told Professor McGonagall I liked it and she said it was no trouble for me to have it like that.

Sam and I were getting ready to go to Hogsmade. She looked a little bit blue so I decided to talk to her. "Sam, what's wrong?" I asked her. She shook her head and sniffled a "nothing".

I went and sat down next to her and placed an arm around her shoulder. "You know you can always talk to me, I'll always be there for you" I said and hugged her. She hugged back and then we let go. "Thanks" she said and wiped a tear, "It's just you know with the whole thing of me coming out and my parents I don't really have a place to stay during Christmas or Summer".

"I have told you over and over, you are always welcome with us, the Longbotroms love you just how you are".  She let out a small cry and thanked me. I told her it was no problem and we headed to carriage to Hogsmade.

Inside was just Jules Belby, the hufflepuff Rose sat next to at Divinations. "Hey Jules" I greeted her. She looked up from her newspaper and her face became red. "H-hi" she stuttered out. "Are you waiting for someone?" I asked her and she shook her head, "are you hanging alone at Hogsmade?" she nodded.

"You can hang out with us" said Sam and Jules blushed even more. "I-it's okay I-I don't want to disturb your evening" she said. "You won't" assured Sam, "at least I need company after this one" she pointed at me, "-goes one date" she finished wiggling her eyebrows. I punched her in the arm and laughed.

Jules still looked a little taken aback but Sam reassured her it was fine and she accepted.
We got to Hogsmade and went straight to Honeydukes. "Ooh look at that" Sam said pointing at a poster outside the store. "New flavored Cauldron Cakes!" squealed Jules. She realized what she'd said and flushed, "Sorry, I got excited" she apologized.

"It's fine" I told her, "I would've squealed it first if you hadn't read the poster first".
She let out a small laugh and we all entered the store. Colors were abundant inside Honeydukes, the place had a sweet and lemon smell. We went straight to the section were the new Mint Chocolate and Raspberry Cauldron Cales were.

Sam and Jules bought the raspberry ones and I bought the Mint Chocolate one. "How can you eat Mint Chocolate!" exclaimed Sam as we left the store with bags full of candies. "It's delicious!" I exclaimed back, "you should try it".
"Can't" said Jules in her defence, "I'm allergic to chocolate". After the past hour she felt more comfortable around us.

I checked my clock and it was time to meet James at the Broomsticks. "Got to go" I told them and they nodded. "Don't do anything stupid" I heard from Sam as I  left.

I entered the pub and James was no were, but I was kinda early. I went and grabbed a table for the two of us and placed my things on the empty chair next to me.

It had just been a second I had sat down when a sixth year brunette Slytherin came to me. "Hello there, you all by yourself beautiful?" he asked as he was about to sat on the chair infront of me. I stopped him and replied, "Actually I'm waiting for a
guy, my date".

He looked taken aback and asked, "So who's the lucky guy". I was about to answer when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw James standing there. "I'm the lucky guy" he said and placed a kiss on my head. I smiled at his actions and the guy infront of us let out a laugh.

"You know he is going to play you right?" the guy said as he wiped of a tear, "he does that to any girl".
"Well she's not any girl, she's special and she's mine so back off" said James stepping towards the guy. The guy put his arms up in defence and left.

'𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦' the word repeated in my mind as James steeled down himself. "You okay?" he asked me now sitting. "Yeah" I said in a spaced out tone. "Then what's wrong?" he asked. I looked at him and then down to my lap as I bit my lip. "You called me yours" I told him still looking at my lap knowing I was blushing madly.

"I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable" he started to apologize, "you probably don't even want a boyfriend yet, but the words just slipped out as I confronted Jorkins". I looked up and was hitting my lip preventing a wide smile to slip. "It's okay" I told h, "I do want to take things slow, but you calling me yours has some
effect on me".

I knew I was blushing flaming red, because the butterflies in my stomach seemed to multiply. James took in my words and looked side to side and leaned in across the table. "Did" he gulped, "did that turned you on?" he aske insecurely. I let out a laugh and covered my face.

"Is that how you call it?" I asked him, "when you feel butterflies inside you and your heart starts pumping fast?". He smiled at my words and said, "Kind of". "Kind of?" I ask him with a laugh in my voice, "is there more?". I was smiling and laughing and knew my cheeks were tinted pink.

"Yes, but here isn't the place to talk about it" he said. My laughing deceased and we stared at each other. "You truly are beautiful, and whatever that whole 'smiley-blushing-laughing' thing you just did was adorable" James told me as he placed his hand on top of mine on the table. I looked at our hands and he softly ran his tumb on top of hand.

"Let's order a butterbeer shall we" I told
him and he smirked. "We can have Butterbeer" he said, "but after April, I'm having Firewhisky". I rolled my eyes at him and ordered. We ranted about Quidditch for an hour and then headed back to the carriages.


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