Chapter 15 || The Aftermath

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Killua POV

I grabbed my keys and jogged down the stairs towards the parking garage that held Gons light-green Subaru, "Fucking christ I'm tired," I mumbled to myself as I walked

I got to the car and turned up the music while I drove. When I got to Leorio's the party was even more lively than when I had dropped my friends off. Walking inside I tried to look for Neon, eventually, I found her dancing it up with some dude from the business course, "C'mon Neon it's time to go," I yelled tapping her shoulder

"Awww, just a few more minutes," She pouted

"Fine, but when I find Gon we're leaving," I sighed walking away

After what felt like forever of asking around someone had told me they saw Gon being carried upstairs by a weird dude.

My eyes widened at the realization of what might've happened, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," I muttered as I ran up the stairs searching every room until I found a tall pale man pinning a half-dressed, un-conscious Gon to a bed.

The man didn't seem to notice me when I slammed open the door so to get his attention I cleared my throat, "What do you think you're doing," I asked trying to sound as threatening as possible

He looked up at me clearly startled, "I asked, what do you think you're doing," I said more firmly this time, taking out a small butterfly knife from the back pocket of my pants.

"Well, what does it look like I'm doing," The man said removing his hands from Gons arms, "It looks like you're trying to take advantage of my roommate,"

"Oh, does it now," He said slowly getting closer to me

I was scared out of my fucking mind I couldn't move but at that moment, I grabbed Gon and bolted out of the room. I ran down the flight of stairs and screamed, "NEON GET YOUR ASS OUT TO THE CAR WE ARE LEAVING NOW!"

I set him down in the passenger seat of his car then Neon rushed out and flopped down into the backseat, "Man that was a fun party huh Gon?" She asked as I aggressively started up the car

She drunkenly giggled and I drove off quickly, "Hey Killua, why do you look so angry,"

I sighed, "Ok, I doubt you'll remember this but," I started ranting, "I have to take care of not one, but two drunk people for the rest of the night and possibly most of tomorrow depending on how much either of you drank. Plus I have to take extra care of Gon because a strange dude drugged him and then tried to y'know do shit to him, a-,"

"Who did what," Neon asked apparently suddenly sober

"I don't know it was some tall pale man,"

"What color hair,"

"Wha-" "What color was his hair," She said even firmer than before

"I- I- think reddish, I'm not sure," I said pulling up at a stoplight

"Oh, that asshole,"

"What? Do you know him or something," I asked yawning just slightly

"Yeah, he's a student-teacher in my history class," She said leaning forward, "Mr. Morrow but he likes us to call him Hisoka,"

I nodded and continued driving, once we reached the parking garage Neon was acting like a normal drunk, "Heh, hey Killua,"

"Yes, Neon?" I asked hoisting Gon onto my back

She drunkenly giggled, "Nevermind,"

I helped her out of the car and we made our way back to the dorm building Gons unconscious body draped over my shoulders and Neon stumbling along behind us. When we reached the room, Neon collapsed onto the couch and passed out.

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