Chapter 10 || Presentation

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Gon looked up at me, "Hmm, how so," He questioned

"I- I'm not the biggest fan of people," I replied

"Ok, but answer me this," Gon said sitting up, "have you ever had alcohol,"

"No," I said

"Well, then you'll never know what happens until you try some," He said

"Yeah, that's still a no. As I said, I. DON'T. DO. ALCOHOL."

"Mmmm, Killuaaaaaa," He whined

"I'll still be your designated driver though," I said checking my watch, "Shit, my class starts in an hour, I gotta go, we'll continue this conversation later,"

I grabbed my bag, slipped on my shoes, and ran out the door. I checked my watch again, it was 12:47, "Ok, class starts at 1:30 I should make it there in time," I said to myself, "But then again if I run I'll make it there before Neon,"

I started running and ended up making it there by 1:10, I peered into the room, "Perfect, I made it here first,"

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "No you didn't,"

I turned around and looked down to see Neon, "Goddammit," I said

She laughed and we entered the room, "So, are you going to that party Leorio's hosting," Neon asked

"Not exactly," I said

"What do you mean by that," She asked

"I'm going, but as the designated driver,"

She clapped her hands together, "Well that's perfect, d'you mind if I catch a ride with you,"

"Oh, not at all," I said sitting at my desk in the back of the lecture hall

"Ok, sweet thanks Killua, but off-topic question," She said sitting down in the seat in front of me, "why is the room so big when there are only like 5 people in this class altogether,"

"You know, I never actually thought about that until now," I said setting my camera on the face of the desk

"We're supposed to present our model pictures today right," Neon asked turning to face me

I nodded my head yes, "I'm super excited to see how yours turned out," She said, then Ponzu and Pokkle walked up to us. Ponzu took a seat next to Neon and Pokkle sat a couple of chairs away from me and they joined in on the conversation.

A few minutes later Steven walked in and sat all the way across the room, thank the fucking gods, he is so annoying. We continued talking and Ms. Biscky came out of her office.

"Good afternoon, today you will be presenting your model photos," She said, "So whoever's first come down and hook up your computer to the board,"

Alas, Steven was the first one to volunteer as always. He walked up to the front of the room and presented his screen.

I honestly don't remember what happened next, I just blanked out, when I snapped out of it Pokkle was up at the front.

"Hey Neon," I whispered, "I blanked out for a moment, what happened,"

She turned around, "Oh, nothing really, Steven took hella long setting up his presentation then Ponzu went and now Pokkle is,"

"Ok cool,"

Pokkle finished and I stood up and walked to the front of the room, my anxiety was through the roof. This was the first time I've ever taken pictures with models in them, and I don't even remember if I edited them, whatever, it'll be fine.

I hooked my computer up to the software and opened the file that had the pictures.

Thank the fucking gods they were edited. I started talking and from what I could tell, my public speaking had gotten mildly better. It had only been a few days but I could tell there was a difference.

I wrapped up my presentation and headed back to my seat. Pokkle gave me a fistbump, "Those were amazing dude, I'm might have to watched you work sometime," He joked

Neon stood up, "Next time I'll have to be your model," She said reaching up and patting my head like a mom would with her son.

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