Chapter 11

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*June 22, 2024 | Going Back to America*
I have finished my spring semester at Yonsei University and will now be returning to my home university of UNLV. I made so many friends while attending college at Yonsei University over such a short time. I did my first semester of my sophomore year in Korea, so now I will have to wait until the fall semester to finish my sophomore year. Usually, it is the other way around; start during the fall and end by the summer or end of spring. I guess I did it backwards since I wanted to attend Korean university in the spring. I think it was a good move on me. Now, I'm flying back to America.

It was hard leaving San once again, but he understands as I'm a very busy college student at this time. I won't be graduating college until December of 2026, so I still have a while to go. 2 years to go, to be exact. By the time I graduate college, San will already be 27 and will have to enlist by his 28th birthday the following year on July 10th. I don't even want to think of San enlisting right now, so I won't. I will focus on finishing out my sophomore year and do really good so I can start junior year off on the right foot. San sent me texts of good luck as I readjust back to American university. I got used to the metric system, the Korean time zone, speaking Korean, all that, that going back to America feels like entering a foreign country all over again. Since this is my home country, it shouldn't be too hard to readjust. It's home, and I've missed it in the few months I've been gone.

The next semester rolls around in late August. Last month, on San's 25th birthday, I had already sent his birthday letter in advance so it could arrive by his birthday. I'm actually glad that I got back to America during summer vacation because it gave me extra time to readjust to America. San sent me a letter back after he received his birthday letter from me, thanking me for the heartfelt letter. It even made him cry because it's made him realize that we're apart yet again, and that he's getting old lol. San is 5 years from his 30's, and I won't get to call him 오빠 anymore, but when he turns 30, I'll have to start calling him 아저씨 ㅋㅋㅋ. 아저씨 literally means "middle-aged man", which is why I find it hilarious.

When Christmas rolls around, I wasn't expecting anything special to happen. Just the usual presents to find under the Christmas tree and family time with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. Then, somebody showed up at my door. When I opened the door, San was standing there. This is the first time he is visiting me in America. I've also just finished my sophomore year this month, and will continue on to work towards my Bachelor's Degree. Well, anyways San is here, and he's brought me a present as well. It is Christmas Eve.
"Oh my God! San, you're here!" I exclaimed, hugging him tight.
"I missed you so much. I brought my members too." San said, stepping aside to reveal his members behind him.
"메리크리스마스!" ATEEZ choruses together.
"Woahhh, I can't believe it. Please, come in." I said.

ATEEZ walk into my house and we all gather together in the living room where the Christmas tree is also located. The members and I all catch up on what we missed about each other. Then, as it's quite fitting for the season, we broke out into their song Time Of Love from their album ZERO : FEVER Part.2. Wow, they sound really good in person. Plus, this house is big, so their beautiful vocals echo throughout the house. Ahh, I just love their vocals and rap so much. They are the most talented friends I have. One of them is my boyfriend for crying out loud. I strive to have vocals as good as Jongho's. I want a petition to be started for more Rapper Seonghwa. Imagine how good that would be oof. Seonghwa matches Mingi's deep register for rapping, so yes. I think it would add to ATEEZ even more if Seonghwa even had one rap line. When Seonghwa covered Mingi's part while he was on hiatus, Seonghwa sounded so hot, I couldn't breath because of how much I was hyperventilating. Just ATINY things ha.

After breaking out into song, like our own little High School Musical moment, we continued on to hanging out for the rest of the day. It was a shock that ATEEZ just showed up at the doorstep of my aunt's house. I'm glad they showed up because I missed them. It's been a few long months since I've been in Seoul. Hongjoong updated me on what his relationship is looking like with Eunjung. Basically, they're dating now, and even have plans to marry soon. I'm glad I get to spend Christmas with ATEEZ. This is a lot of fun. I get to have a culture clash of Korean, American, and Filipino. San loves me for my multicultural background. He always admired that I learned German because of my dad's side, and learned Korean just because I love the culture. San thinks I'm the prettiest girl he's ever seen. I truly love him for thinking this. I also believe that San is the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. He is just perfect. I love him so, so much.

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