Chapter 6

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As the night went on, I realized how late it was getting, so I had to go outside during the scary night time to hail a taxi. I'm now walking out of the KQ Entertainment building when San calls my name. Looks like he ran after me.
"Wait. Don't take the taxi. I will take you to your condo." San said.
"Oh? Really? Thanks, babe." I said, winking.
"You're my 여자친구 지금." San said, pulling me close to him and hugging me tight.
"I'm your. . . Girlfriend now?" I asked, making sure I knew the words he used.
"Right." San said, "This way."
San leads me to his car and opens the door for me like a gentleman. I get into his car and he blasts his playlist from Spotify. It has a mix of K-pop songs and Western songs. I like San's taste in music.

We arrive back to my condo and my mom has been worried all day about where I've been all night. I explained to her that I just visited San, the K-pop idol I met recently. She doesn't always believe my stories, but at this point, she could care less. Anyways, it is really late now, so I would like to go to bed. I changed the name of San's contact in KakaoTalk from Choi San to 산 오빠😍💞. I like writing my Korean friend's names in Korean so I can practice typing in Korean more. As soon as my head hits my pillow, I fall asleep. I say goodnight to day 2 of being in Seoul and will wake up the next morning to say hello to day 3. Time will just fly right by, I know this for sure.

*8 Days Later*
My mom and I have been in Seoul for 12 days now. Our last full day is tomorrow, then we fly back to Manila on September 16th. It is currently September 14th. I'm glad that my last full in Seoul is on the 15th because that's Jae of Day6's birthday and Felix of Stray Kids' birthday. It's fun seeing all the ads for idols' birthdays whenever they come up. As for  mine and San's blossoming relationship, we are sad that we have to separate for the first time on the 16th, but San told me he will try his absolute hardest to make our long-distance relationship work. He is determined to make it work, and he never wants to lose me, even if I have to go to college and become very busy. It's sad that my last day in Korea is approaching, but I've had so much fun here with my mom. I've documented each day of both my trips in the Philippines and in Korea on my phone, and I just need to smash all the clips together to make one long vlog video. I have a good video editor app that I paid for to do just that. Anyways, I'm glad I filmed each of my days in The Philippines and Korea so I can have something to look back on when I miss either country.

I also documented my trips in the form of journal entries. I have a journal that only had entries from August of 2015, which was the last time I went anywhere internationally. Now, there are newer entries that are from late August through September 14, 2022. I express myself in words on paper much better than speaking them, so that's why I also wrote journal entries. Overall, I've enjoyed my trips in Asia, and I can't wait for an opportunity to go back soon. . .

For our last two days, my mom said she wants to just take it easy, since all we've been doing is traveling all throughout Seoul, to nearly every neighborhood. It's been a crazy 2 weeks, so I understand why my mom was to relax for the last 2 days. I think we will spend most of our day in our condo, packing things up, and getting ready to leave this Friday. I will allow ourselves to just relax since I'm also pretty tuckered out from these past two weeks. San also came over so we can spend our last two days in Korea together. He has work to do with ATEEZ, but he's put that on the back burner so he can hang out with me. He's an important component in ATEEZ, and I told him multiple times, to go back to KQ, and get back to work, but he ignores that. For the past week, he's just been wanting to spend time with me since I'm his girlfriend. It makes sense, but I also don't want him to miss anything while he's away from ATEEZ.

The next day, September 15th, I am still in my condo with my mom. We fly back to Manila the following day, so we're really packing up all our stuff that we missed yesterday. We want to make sure we didn't miss anything and that everything is properly packed away. It is my last full day in Seoul, and I wanna go to JYP Entertainment to see if they have any special birthday merch for Jae or Felix. Even better, for the both of them. I know that there are cute cup sleeves I can buy with their faces on them, so I'll probably get those. Other than that, my mom told me not to go far in case we still need some last-minute packing to do. Understanding this, I only went to JYP Entertainment to check out the special Jae and Felix merchandise they'll be selling today.

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