Chapter 10

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As for San and I, since we're reunited for the first time in what felt like an eternity, we decided to go to 한강 together, in English it is the Han River. Around this time in the spring time, many couples like to have picnics here, order fried chicken, and just enjoy the view of the peaceful river. I picture this as the perfect first date with San. Since I had to go back to America for college, San and I haven't gotten the chance to go on our first real date. San's manager advised him to not go on dates in public since there are always Dispatch photographers on the prowl, looking for any opportunity to reveal an idol's love relationship, whether they want it to happen or not. San said he will be extra careful, he'll wear a disguise that covers up the majority of his identity so photographers can't decipher who it is. San told me to do the same thing because the last thing we want is Dispatch exposing me for dating San.

So, we went to the Han River for a nice picnic date. Wearing a disguise is not something I'm use to, but if this is to protect San's career, then I'll do it for him. I wouldn't want to be the one to ruin his career. San ordered fried chicken, and it's the one thing I've been craving ever since I left Korea. It's so good, I missed it so much. We indulge in our fried chicken while catching up what we missed in each other's lives. While attending college during my freshman year, ATEEZ made a comeback, and I turned 20, so there are big milestones there. San even sent me a special birthday letter, congratulating me on becoming 20. I also have that letter saved in my new binder of San Letters, I titled it.

After we finished eating, San and I take a walk
along the river. It is quite peaceful, with all the cherry blossoms in bloom, it looks so freaking pretty. San pauses for a moment.
"I want to give you something." San said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"We've been dating a almost a year and a half, and I've been thinking lately. . . I need to give you this." San said. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring box. Seeing the ring box makes me a little nervous. I don't know if he's going to propose or what, right now. He pops open the ring box to reveal this ring:

"With this ring, you promise me to only love me, and only me

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"With this ring, you promise me to only love me, and only me. That however far away we may become, that our love can overcome distance. I love you, Raeshel. I want you to be with me for the rest of my life. Let this ring be a symbol of our love. Do you promise me this?" I asked.
"What? Yes, of course!" I exclaimed.
"Okay, here my love." San said, sliding the ring on my finger, then kissing me romantically.
"Congratulations!" Couples hollar from all around us.
They may think that he just proposed, oops. It's just a promise ring, but hey, I'll let the people think what they want to.

San and I leave the Han River then I show San to my new student apartment over in Seodaemun. He finds my little apartment cute and is "so me", he says. I'm glad he likes my apartment. I'm still in shock after getting this promise ring from him. First, it was a customized necklace. Now, it's a ring. How many more jewelry will he get me? It makes me wonder what the future of our relationship will be. I just hope we stay together forever. Then, as the evening turns to night, San is getting more and more touchy. It doesn't help that he took a few shots of soju just now. San is getting a little tipsy tonight to celebrate my arrival to Korea.
"San, your wild hands are wandering around a lot." I said.
"D- don't you wanna little bit of me?" San asked, his words slurred.
"What do you think we're gonna do, huh?" I asked.

Without another word, San puts a hand up onto the wall behind me and pushes me up against the wall. He starts making out with me. I don't fight back, but I should remind him that he's drunk and can't think clearly. Before this goes any further, I push San away. It hurt me a little inside that I had to do that, but I have to remind him he's drunk.
"San." I said.
"What babygirl?" San asked.
"You're drunk. You'd probably forget a condom then we'd be in real trouble then." I said, reminding him of the consequences of having sex while drunk.
"Oh. . ." San said, taking a step back.
"Come back when you're sober, and we can try this again. I'm sorry, but I have to go to bed. I have early classes starting tomorrow." I said.
"Sorry, babe. I will be better." San said.
"Just, go home. I'll see you later, okay." I said.
"Okay." San said, nodding his head sadly.

It pained me to have to send San away, but I didn't want a huge accident to happen. It would be very bad to get pregnant at this time. If that were to happen, I would fly back to America and have to deal with the pregnancy away from San. That would be very difficult, so I would rather play it safe until and if we get married. That would be my only exception to get pregnant. Every other situation, it would be uncomfortable and I wouldn't be ready for it. San will learn that I don't like men who drink or smoke frequently. Hopefully, San will sober up permanently, and I won't have to deal with an adorable yet frisky drunk San.

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